Funny Beach Photos That Will Have You Rolling In the Sand Laughing

Published on 07/16/2020

When you go on a vacation, we are sure that you have rest and recreation in mind. What better way to unwind than to spend the day at the beach and go swimming, boating, or sun tanning at the beach? We know that this is the ideal image of a day under the sun, but the truth is that there are plenty of funny moments going on at the beach as well! If you do not believe us, we have a lot of proof to present to you. The people in these photos were expecting to relax and have the time of their lives… Let us just say that they had no idea what life had in store for them!

Funny Beach Photos That Will Have You Rolling In The Sand Laughing

Funny Beach Photos That Will Have You Rolling In The Sand Laughing

A Very Tiny Chair

It does not matter where you are or who you are. All we know that it can be humiliating when you get stuck in a chair. How did he not know that it was not going to end well as soon as he sat down? Still, we can see that he had a lot of will. Sadly, it just got worse when two lovely ladies saw what was happening.

A Very Tiny Chair

A Very Tiny Chair

His Makeshift Floatie

They say that you will float if you collect empty soda bottles and tie them to your body. Before he entered the water, he remembered that he could not swim. After seeing all these empty bottles, he decided to give it a shot. They never heard from him ever again. We’re kidding, but what a silly idea!

His Makeshift Floatie

His Makeshift Floatie

The Cutest Photobomber

We have to say that this dog was an expert at photobombing. The dog was fed up with all the selfies that the girls were taking. He just wanted to join them, so why couldn’t he appear in the photos as well? We are not discounting the idea that this dog came with two tiny heads between his ears either.

The Cutest Photobomber

The Cutest Photobomber

Lying For The Gram

Is it still a beach photo if you are not really at the beach? He had us there at first, we are going to give him that. There is a saying that goes that if you think about something hard enough, you can will it to existence. Oh well, there is something admirable about his determination to do it for the gram.

Lying For The Gram

Lying For The Gram

Watch Out

This person just wanted to snap a cute doughnut photo when tragedy struck. She almost got it right when she was attacked by a snatcher! When you are out at the beach, you should keep in mind that seagulls are great at taking your food away from you. Keep your food close to you and eat fast it quickly!

Watch Out

Watch Out

When Seagulls Attack

We really wanted to drive the point home about seagulls. As you can see, they can wreck what was meant to be a nice day at the beach. This group was just trying to enjoy the day and fill their bellies, but the birds were not letting them do that. It looks like a traumatic encounter, so we hope they are all fine.

When Seagulls Attack

When Seagulls Attack

President Not Athlete

It feels like you do not see a lot of beach photos of presidents. When Bill Clinton headed to the beach, this was what happened to him. He ended up taking a football to the face! Oof. We just hope that he was a better president than he was as a football catcher! Otherwise, that can’t be good…

President Not Athlete

President Not Athlete

Take A Closer Look

You are not going insane, if you were starting to doubt your sanity. There is indeed a “fair” woman in the photo. If you do not know what on earth we are talking about, it might be time for you to put on your reading glasses. Have you figured out what we mean? It is shocking to see her blend in with the sand!

Take A Closer Look

Take A Closer Look

What A Fab Dog

If you scroll through Instagram, you are going to find a lot of photos of models whipping their hair and creating a stunning whirl of water. The good boy in the photo did his best, but this does not have quite the same effect. At any rate, we hope that the owner ended up giving him lots of treats after this.

What A Fab Dog

What A Fab Dog

Face Plant

We have no qualms admitting that we are no experts on this subject. However, we are pretty sure that she needs to change her position here. There are plenty of things wrong about what she is doing in this photo. For starters, let us just say that she is going to have some very weird tan lines later on.

Face Plant

Face Plant

Not The Brightest Idea

All right, this is not exactly a beach photo. However, they were headed there, so it still counts in our books! He was excited to get this new truck that had a lot of space in the back. Unfortunately, it looks like this person was not aware that it also came with its limits. We bet that they were devastated by this.

Not The Brightest Idea

Not The Brightest Idea

The Weirdest Sign Ever

Wow, what on earth is going on in this photo? We are confused by all the sarcasm here. It was quite a weird suggestion to make in the first place, but taking it back only made it even stranger. We wonder just how many people started flying their kites in the area before they felt the need to put this up.

The Weirdest Sign Ever

The Weirdest Sign Ever

Priorities Straight

The hotel resort clearly has its priorities in order. They decided to have a little fun with this sign! In case a tidal wave hits, you should not forget to check out before you leave. We are sure that the natural disaster is going to wait until you sort out your bill! This is a great sign but do not take it too seriously.

Priorities Straight

Priorities Straight

No Mister Giant

You are looking at a case of mistaken identity. The giant thought that he had finally found Jack, who stole his goose such a long time ago. The mom just wanted to clarify that her son is a different Jack and innocent as well. We sure hope that the giant realized what he was doing soon after it was taken.

No Mister Giant

No Mister Giant

Not On My Watch

If you thought that you could get away with stealing my cheap flip-flops, you should think again! It might be cheap, but it is clearly very valuable to this person. After all, this is the only way we can justify what happened here. They would have been better off spending the money on the lock on a better pair…

Not On My Watch

Not On My Watch

Nap Time At The Beach

His friends really wanted to go to the beach, but we would much rather just stay on the couch. Well, who said that you can’t have both of these things at once? We are glad to see that this guy was willing to compromise even though the solution does not look like the most conventional thing to do.

Nap Time At The Beach

Nap Time At The Beach

Dramatic Pig

Wow, this is a very good photo. You just know that this pig would have posted it on Instagram if he had one. There are times that you just need to be alone at the beach with your thoughts and nothing else. A dramatic setting is what you need when you work on thinking about all the big pig life problems.

Dramatic Pig

Dramatic Pig

Please Line Up

This guy read the sign. It said do not feed the seagulls, but it did not mention anything about feeding the raccoons. Who knows? We think that it is actually quite nice of him to do such a thing. However, we doubt that he excited the animal to invite all of its friends over. He looks like the pied piper here!

Please Line Up

Please Line Up

Just A Pair Of Cows

It has been revealed that cows can have best friends. Why can humans take spontaneous trips to the beach with their besties, but they can’t? All they wanted to do was to chill out on the sand and under the sun. Just so you know, this is not actually a rare thing to happen on Indian beaches. Cool.

Just A Pair Of Cows

Just A Pair Of Cows

Turtle Selfie

In order to take this selfie, this pair of friends took an hour. The turtle did not like her face in the first few that they took, so they had to retake it over and over again. At long last, she decided that this photo was perfect for Instagram. We are glad that Turtella here could let go of her self-consciousness for once.

Turtle Selfie

Turtle Selfie

Best Book Cover

There are times when you stumble into a funny scene without meaning to. You are looking at a case of perfect timing. This is a hilarious photo, but she was too wrapped up in her book to even notice that the laughter. What a neat way to put a smile on our face! We hope she brings the book with her all the time.

Best Book Cover

Best Book Cover

I Feel You

Oh, how adorable is this photo?! My heart can’t take it. This is a baby elephant that looked so incredibly happy to be by the beach. We can totally understand why he was so excited to have some fun under the sun. After all, we also get like that when we are hanging out at the beach with our friends.

I Feel You

I Feel You

Not Like That

This great photo tells a story on its own. If you think that this is a normal selfie of an elderly woman, we want you to take a good look at her sunglasses to figure it out. The couple asked her to take a photo of them, and she was willing to do it. Snapped, she was not too familiar with phones and took this instead.

Not Like That

Not Like That

Not A Floatie

We bet that you also had to do a double take here! Most people will likely assume that it is just a weird flotation device, but we know better than that. Ladies and gents, make sure that you bring something appropriate whenever you head out to the beach. There are a lot of kids that you might traumatize.

Not A Floatie

Not A Floatie

The Greatest Photobomb Ever

What an amazing photo! First of all, we want to tell these ladies that they are all gorgeous. However, this photo made it to the list thanks to the sneaky photobomber in the back. This guy fit right in the center of the frame. On top of that, we love the fact that he tried to do the same pose. He aced it!

The Greatest Photobomb Ever

The Greatest Photobomb Ever


There is nothing weird about building sandcastles in the sand, but this is the first time we have ever seen a sandcouch. This actually looks like a really great idea. At any rate, the guy in the photo most definitely looks like he is right at home here! The boy can leave the couch, but the couch never leaves the boy.



His Little Headrest

If you wanted to take a nap on the beach, you better come prepared. For this guy, that meant bringing a stool that will ensure that sand does not get in your hair. This is actually not a bad idea! After all, it can get anything when sand makes it all the way to your ear. Maybe we should all start doing this!

His Little Headrest

His Little Headrest

Sunblock First

Let us just say that this guy forgot to put on sunscreen before he started to drink. Make sure that you do not make the same mistake, folks. It looks like there is a higher chance of such a thing happening when you drink wine as well. How do we know that? Oh, all we can tell you is that we are very perceptive.

Sunblock First

Sunblock First

Tumbling Down

The little girl in the photo was having a nice day out until she literally got a mouthful of sand. We just hope that this will not stop her from sprinting down the sand dunes in the future. After all, we have to give it to her. She had spectacular flop form. If we had to give her a rating, we will give her a 9 out of 10.

Tumbling Down

Tumbling Down

A Little Privacy

It can be hard to achieve some semblance of privacy when you are at the beach. These guys found a solution to their problem. We do not know about you, but we highly doubt that they were just talking down there. If you ask us, this looks like the perfect place to smoke a certain plant. It’s genius, though!

A Little Privacy

A Little Privacy

Sandy Dog

Aww, will you look at this cute little dog? We are sure that the owner ended up giving this good boy a lot of treats. It must have been hard to sit still as the owner piled bucketful after bucketful of sand around him. We admire just how patient you were, pup. On top of that, you look cute as all heck like this.

Sandy Dog

Sandy Dog

The Cutest Intruder

You should lock your doors at the beaches in case some unwanted visitors wander in. Well, we would have left it open if it meant getting a visit from an adorable baby seal! We want to find out where this was taken. We hope that this cutie knew that he is allowed to stay anytime for as long as he wants.

The Cutest Intruder

The Cutest Intruder

Horses On The Beach

This is the sort of thing that happens all the time at Assateague Island, which is located found in the middle of Maryland and Virginia. It turns out that there are packs of wild ponies that live on the island. You should not be shocked to see these animals having some fun in the sun when you go there!

Give Me The Lotion

Horses On The Beach

Great Warning Sign

Oh, wow. We have never seen a sign like this one before. Taken on a beach in Lithuania, it is definitely an interesting way to warn people off when it comes to bad behavior. You know what, we bet that it works better than traditional ones. After all, no one wants to end up on a viral video on YouTube.

Great Warning SIgn

Great Warning Sign

The Most Beautiful Wedding

Aww, how adorable is that? We are sure that every single one of us has seen photos of people tying the knot at the beach. Even if this is the case, this must be our favorite entry in this category. Everyone looks so dolled up without trying too hard. We want to extend our congratulations to the couple in the photo.

The Most Beautiful Wedding

The Most Beautiful Wedding

Beach Photoshoot

Someone caught this guy taking a photo of something that was very important to him. At one point, you have probably taken advantage of the beach to take the perfect photo. A lot of people just take selfies or capture the beach, but this guy decided to use it as an opportunity to do a photoshoot with his vape.

Beach Photoshoot

Beach Photoshoot

Look Up

We understand why your first instinct was to think that this was edited, but it is nothing strange thanks to the Princess Juliana Airport! You see, the beach is located right beside the runway of this airport in St. Maarten. It means that planes take off and land right above the tourists at the beach all the time.

Look Up

Look Up

Meet The Sand Queen

This is a pretty awesome photo, we will have to give them that. Props for the creativity that went into the creation of this masterpiece! However, we have a different concern that is simply nagging at us. We can’t help but wonder just how much time it took her to get rid of all the sand and seaweed after this shoot.

Meet The Sand Queen

Meet The Sand Queen

Ballet On The Beach

What a sweet little photo, but what on earth is going on when this was taken? We will let the person tell us what went down. They took to Reddit to say, “We took my cat to the beach and there happened to be a professional dancer having a photo shoot. Obviously this happened because Buns’ day wasn’t confusing enough.”

Ballet On The Beach

Ballet On The Beach

Looking A Little Wrinkly

After looking at this photo, we cannot help but feel worried for this guy. We hope that he takes good care of his skin. Sure, it is nice and fun to be at the beach, but the sun can also wreak havoc on your skin. It does not help that this guy was already pretty wrinkly to begin with.

Looking A Little Wrinkly

Looking A Little Wrinkly

A Gorgeous Proposal

This one is not exactly hilarious like the others that came before it, but there was no way we could not include it here. What an impressive way to ask someone to marry you! It was a gorgeous piece of art, but we can’t help but wonder how long it took him to make it. We hope that Angela said yes!

A Gorgeous Proposal

A Gorgeous Proposal

A Cat On The Beach

The truth is that house cats are not all that different from jungle cats. After all, they come from the same ancestors! There are certain things that neither can stop doing. For one thing, they will both sit in a box if you hand them one. The same goes for the way that they feel about water, as you can see here.

A Cat On The Beach

A Cat On The Beach