Dogs see the world through different lenses. However, they also use their bodies to communicate. Do you want to know what your pooch is thinking at all times? If so, keep reading to figure out what they have on their minds! We bet that you will find something shocking on this list.

This Is What The Behavior Of Your Dogs Really Mean
On Hind Legs
There are a few possibilities if your dog gets up on their hind legs. Mostly, they do this to show affection. Like us, they just want a hug every now and then. With other dogs, they might be doing it to display their playfulness. There is nothing to worry about as long as they are not growling or being aggressive.

On Hind Legs
Furniture Chewing
Pups have a habit of chewing on things during the teething phase. It does not mean the same thing when they are not puppies anymore. There is a chance that they just need to get more physical activity. One way to treat the issue would be to take your dog out for a walk.

Furniture Chewing
How They Bark
Dogs bark for a lot of reasons. Loud and frequent barks will mean there is an urgent issue. Maybe they could feel danger lurking and want you to know about it. Short and soft ones, however, mean that they feel playful. Loud barks could mean they feel in pain, so make sure to pay attention to them.

How They Bark
Bringing You Toys
Your dog might not want to play even if their toy is in their mouth. A theory says that this is their way to please their human. They want your respect since you are the alpha. It might be that they want to show you their trust. They trust you so much that they want you to have their prized object. For this reason, you might hurt their feelings if you simply throw the ball away!

Bringing You Toys
When Dogs Yawn
We humans yawn when we feel tired or bored. Dogs yawn when they feel secure and safe as an act of submission. A dog that yawns 15 times is clearly a relaxed one. However, they might do it to show stress, nervousness, or anticipation as well. They might to it to keep their excitement in check when they know that you are about to go for a walk! Of course, they do it to show their exhaustion sometimes too.

When Dogs Yawn
Like A Caterpillar
We are always happy to see our dog kick up their legs and then wiggle on their back. How adorable! Sometimes, they will do this to scratch some itch. However, they might be doing this to catch your attention. If this happens, you should give them a great dose of love!

Like A Caterpillar
Before You Go
You might feel guilty when you leave your dog at home in the morning. There are folks who prefer to pay for doggy day cares to feel better about it. We do not like to see our dogs make sad faces, right? They might have a calm face on, but it only means that they trust you and know that you will be back.

Before You Go
Pacing Back And Forth
Is your dog pacing? Well, it probably means that they are excited, nervous, or bored. They are doing it for the same reasons that we humans do. When they go around in circles, it likely means that they want to play. It is similar to the way dogs greet each other upon first meeting.

Pacing Back And Forth
Pointing Their Snout
What does it mean when a dog freezes up, nudges a snout toward one direction, and lift a front paw? Here was what Dr. Ellen Vindell said: “Dogs are just dogs, and there are certain behaviors that probably any dog that’s a dog can do…. You’ll see a sporting dog who circles like a herding dog, and you’ll get some herding dogs who point.”

Pointing Their Snout
Showing Discomfort
Apart from showing how comfy they are, yawns might also mean exhaustion, anxiety, or discomfort. Your dog might be in need of a siesta! It is a good idea to make sure that your dog is okay when you notice them yawning too much when they are somewhere unfamiliar.

Showing Discomfort
Tilting Their Heads
People often talk to their dogs in a higher pitch, which causes them to tilt their head. Dogs can read and respond to body language and vocal cues too. They can understand instructions and reprimands by recognizing certain words. One theory says they tilt their heads so that they can listen to you better.

Tilting Their Heads
Sniffing Around
Dog noses are wonderful for some things. We have 5 million olfactory receptors compared to their 220 million. When they go sniffing, they are trying to track prey or sense danger. They will remain silent and still as they do this. Dogs can distinguish people and dogs through smell, which is just incredible.

Sniffing Around
Flipping Up Tongues
When dogs believe they did something bad, they will stick out their tongue and then flip it up. Think of it as an apology! Perhaps this is the dog equivalent to an innocent face. We do not know about you, but who can resist a face like that? This look might be familiar to you if your pet likes to pee on the floor.

Flipping Up Tongues
Just Like Yoga
People often only stretch after waking up. However, dogs like to do this for their muscles as well. It is also possible that they are trying to show affection and love. Your dog did not necessarily just wake up when you see them do this. Maybe they are trying to show you how glad they are to see you.

Just Like Yoga
Exposing Their Belly
A dog that shows you their belly is one that feels submissive and respects you. Maybe they are eager to play with you as well. The best thing to do would be to rub their stomach! We just want to warn you that this might happen more and more. This is behavior they also do when another animal attacks them.

Exposing Their Belly
Raising Their Paws
When your dog raises their paw up to you, they might need something or want to play. A lot of pups and younger dogs do this. A puppy that feels hungry will do this to reach out to their mother. When your dog does something like this, they might be looking for love and affection.

Raising Their Paws
Using Their Tails
A dog that wags their tail is one happy and excited hound! However, it is different when they hang it down since that often means submission instead. It is a good idea to give your dog affection, love, and security when they do this. On the other hand, they are playful and alert when they are wagging it up.

Using Their Tails
Dragging Their Bum
Yes, it is pretty funny when you see a dog dragging their bum. However, scooting is actually a cause for concern. They do this when they are suffering from an impacted anal sac. Some dog breeds have it at elevated rates. It is an uncomfortable affliction, so you should bring them to the vet as soon as possible.

Dragging Their Bum
On Your Feet
Dogs often stay by your feet when you eat dinner or watch TV. Even though it can get annoying sometimes, your dogs do not mean any harm. No, they only want to show loyalty and love by trying to be as near to you as they can be. This is behavior they inherited from their ancestors who ran in packs.

On Your Feet
Leaning On You
Does your dog lean on you when you are hanging out? If so, you should feel flattered since this is like a hug for them. They are not lazy – they just want to touch you! It is not a good idea to move your dog away when they do such a thing. We would just let them to it so that they can express their affection.

Leaning On You
Tackling You
It might not be comfortable when you get tackled by your pet, but they are not trying to hurt you. While this has caused injuries in the past, they only want to show you that they are glad to see you. After waiting for you the entire day, they are excited to see that you are finally home.

Tackling You
Flicking Ears
When a dog flicks their ears, you should know that they are listening. This often happens when they are not familiar with a sound and want to place it. You should let your dog play detective when this is going on. It is adorable to see them when they are being observant and inquisitive little creatures!

Flicking Ears
Licking Themselves Clean
It is no secret that dogs like to clean themselves with their tongue. When they get all dirty, they will attempt to groom themselves by licking their bodies. This also happens when they get hurt. You should bring your dog to the vet when they are licking at their legs and paws, especially spots near their joints.

Licking Themselves Clean
Snarling And Showing Teeth
Dogs have different ways of showing their moods, and they are not positive all the time. A dog that wrinkles their muzzle is an aggressive one. If they snarl and show you their teeth, you should take them away from the current situation. They might be ready to attack at any given moment, after all.

Snarling And Showing Teeth
Investigation Time
When you head out for a walk, you might see your dog halting all of sudden and raising their foot. They probably did not get hurt. However, they do want to figure out whatever caught their attention. Yes, their brains are hard at work. They might also do a lot of sniffing during these moments.

Investigation Time
Straightened Tail
When your dog has their tail up in the air, they might feel confident or excited. They do this when they meet someone new. They might be challenged when the tail is up and shaky. A content and happy dog will have their tail level with their body. A low or tucked between the legs one means insecurity.

Straightened Tail
The Side Tongue
It is adorable when dogs put out their tongues. This is often a signal that they are calm and happy. This will often happen when you play fetch or go out for a walk. However, beware of the “hanging tongue syndrome.” This is common with flat-nosed dogs such as boxers or bulldogs.

The Side Tongue
Digging Holes
Your dog is not evil just because they dug up your yard. This is an instinctual behavior for them since their ancestors have done it forever. This is even truer for terriers. They like to dig holes in the yard so that they can leave toys, bones, and other things. They might also be looking for prey or burying their dead!

Digging Holes
Why They Bite
No one likes to get bitten by a dog! However, your dog might do this to show affection and playfulness. After all, dogs tend to bite each other while playing. It is not aggressive, but they tend to do the same thing to their human companions. Just make sure they are not showing fear or aggression!

Why They Bite
Sleeping Beside You
You should not be offended if your dog ignores their dog bed and lays down by your side. This is something they got from their ancestors, who roamed in packs and slept beside one another for warmth and security. Your dog just wants to be close to their master. This is actually quite a big compliment!

Sleeping Beside You
Paw Pats
No one likes to be slapped by any other person. However, your dog is not trying to hurt you when they slap you with their paw. They only want to get your attention! A dog slapping a fellow dog is another story too. It is thought to be a sign of trust for them, not unlike patting a friend on the back.

Paw Pats
Eating And Cuddling
When your dog cuddles you after they eat, they want you to know that they admire you. Dogs, like us, want to nap after a great meal. The best place to do such a thing would be beside the human they adore the most! It would not hurt to give them a cuddle or two or three, right?

Eating And Cuddling
When your dog pants, they are not always in danger. They like to do this to cool off when they overheat. Since they do not have the same sweat glands we do, this is their best bet to lower body temperature. You should give them water when you see them doing this. They might also be in pain or feeling stress.

Eye Movement
Dogs are like us in many respects. They often show their emotions through their eyes. When they look down, they might be sad or tired. However, they show their excitement by opening their eyes wide and looking around. When they raise an eyebrow, they might be feeling confused.

Eye Movement
Why is your dog bowing? If you do not know what we mean, we refer to the way they bring down their heads but keep their body erect. Usually, it means that they are feeling playful. When they swing their hips and wag their tails, there is nothing to worry about. It is called the “play bow.”

Walking In Circles
Does your dog walk in circles before they lie down? This is something that they must have inherited from their wolf forebears. These creatures like to do this to flatten leaves or debris. It helps make the surface a lot more comfortable. It is quite funny when you see them do this!

Walking In Circles
People like to quiet their dogs whenever they howl. For these creatures, this is equivalent to yelling. They need to release their angry feelings too! You should not assume that they are asserting dominance over you. Let them be because even dogs need an outlet to express how they feel.

Hugging With Eyes
When they put on puppy dog eyes, they are not just trying to look cute. No, they want to show you their affection as well. Think of it as the dog version of hugging. That look means that they want a hug or kiss from you. They clearly adore you when they look into your eyes like that.

Hugging With Eyes
When your dog yowls, they want to tell you something. One animal journal writer said, “Our German Shepherd rescue, the sweetest dog we have ever owned (unless you happen to be a cat), is 9. She ‘talks‘ about everything! Grumbles, over being denied a cat lunch, has 5-minute conversations over going out for a walk, exchanges pleasantries (you would swear) over how happy she is to see someone.”

Eating Feces
Have you ever seen your dog eat poop? Even if it is gross, coprophagia is not uncommon. However, it might be a sign of malnutrition. If a dog does it often, you should go to a vet and maybe a trainer!

Eating Feces
Chasing Tails
When your dog runs in circles and chases their tail, you can take it to mean playfulness. When they do it in excess, it might mean they have health or behavioral issues. A dog that chews their tail might have allergies, anal gland issues, or OCD, however.

Chasing Tails
Licking is not uncommon behavior among dogs. They do so to show affection. When they lick you, they want you to know that they love you. They also like the minerals and nutrients present on your skin!

For dogs, there is nothing unusual about humping. They like to do it in a playful manner, so it is not always sexual or a matter of dominance. At any rate, we do not blame you if you do not like it!

Sniffing Butts
“Can you imagine if people greeted each other like that?” It is not a secret that dogs have a better sense of smell than us. Sniffing is how they get to know the world. By doing this little exchange, they can figure out the gender, temperament, and diet of their fellow dogs!

Sniffing Butts
Dog Squinting
You must have seen that little squint dogs like to do. When they do it, they often want quality time and some attention. When a dog does it excessively, you should give them more attention than usual!

Dogs Squinting
Open Mouth, Relaxed Tail, High Ears
Do you want to know when you should bother your dog? It is a good sign when they have an open mouth, pointed ears, and relaxed tail. They only do this when they are safe and relaxed!

Open Mouth, Relaxed Tail, High Ears
Straight Tail, Ears Forward
Do you know what is going on when your dog has a straight tail and pointed ears? It often means that they are focusing on something. They will do this when they curious about something or someone!

Straight Tail, Ears Forward
Dead Dog
The ‘dead bug’ pose is quite hilarious. When dogs have their limbs up, they do look like a dead insect. Your dog will only do this when they feel content and relaxed. After all, it is a vulnerable position!

Dead Dog
Side Sleeping
Many hounds lie on their sides during nap time. However, they don’t do it for long since it will be harder for them to stand up if there is any trouble. One that sleeps like this is one that has no worries at all.

Side Sleeping
The superman pose is insanely cute! Dogs tend to crash on their stomach with the limbs spread out when they are exhausted. Pups love doing this pose since they can stand up from it right away.

Passed Out
Your dog might also do this when they feel tired. Even if it’s cute, do not be happy since they might be overheating and in dire need of cooling off. Let them rest when they have their paws across the chest!

Passed Out
Belly Curls
It might be cute, but your pooch can’t sleep well when they are doing the “belly curl” pose. When they are on their belly with their paws underneath them or on their sides, they are too tense to reach REM!

Belly Curls
Curling Up
Do you ever see your dog curled up like a fox? They might be cold when their paws are underneath them with their tail wrapped around their body. Make sure to help them out by giving them a blanket!

Curling Up
Back To Back
Many forget that dogs are ‘pack’ animals. However, you might not forget about it when you see them with other dogs. They tend to sleep back to back like their ancestors did. Clearly, they trust each other!

Back To Back
Bringing Gifts
What does it mean when your dog brings you leaves, shoes, or dead animals? It is a sign that they respect you. It is cute that these animals want you to be happy in the only way that they know how.

Bringing Gifts
Boosting Energy
Some dogs like to get baths, but they are rare. Most dogs hate it! If your dog goes around the house like loco after one, they must despise it. They will have a lot of energy because they want to dry off ASAP.

Boosting Energy
By Your Side
If you own a dog, you will know ‘invasion of privacy’ very well. It is not comfy when your dog goes to the bathroom with you when you use the toilet. Just remember that they mean well!

By Your Side
Showing Empathy
If you feel that your pet understands you, you are right. Dogs can sense the mood in the air. This is the reason they will comfort you as much as they can when they sense that you are down or angry. Aww!

Showing Empathy
Eating Grass
Dogs like to eat grass. Fact. Sadly, it might mean that they have a nutrient deficiency, intestinal worms, dehydration problem, or digestion issues. If this happens too much, bring your furry friend to the vet!

Eating Grass
Humping Inanimate Objects
If you ever find your dog humping the chair or stuffed animal, they might only be doing this to catch your attention. They know that this will do that. Desperate moments call for desperate measures!

Humping Inanimate Objects
Digging After Going To The Bathroom
When dogs dig up grass after going to the bathroom in your yard, they are not only “covering” their droppings but also marking their territory! This is their way to let others know that they were there.

Digging After Going To The Bathroom
No matter what you might think, a pup winking at you is not telling you a joke or hinting at something. The truth is that they might have gotten something in the eye that bothers or irritates them.

Barking At Nothing
There are times when dogs would look out the window and bark endlessly even if nothing is there. They do this to protect your house. They want all the possible intruders to know that they are in this house!

Barking At Nothing
Licking You
A lot of people like it when their pet licks their face or hand. However, there is more to it than that. Many think that they show their affection this way. They might use it as sensory tools as well.

Licking You
Staring At You
If your dog seems fixated on you often, there is nothing weird about it. Your dog must be staring at you in the hopes that you will hand them a treat. After all, who could possibly resist those huge eyes?

Staring At You
Shaking Toys
If your dog violently shakes their days in their mouths, you might find it adorable and funny. However, the truth is that they are showing you what they would do to their prey in the wild. Wow.

Shaking Toys
Only Eating In Private
Does your dog refuse to eat when a human or fellow dog is in that room? It might be that they don’t feel like sharing! Even though humans would not even consider eating dog food, they don’t understand that.

Only Eating In Private
Voluntarily Sleeping In His Crate
It might be a little weird that a dog chooses to nap in a crate instead of the bed or couch. However, they sometimes think of it as their bedroom. They are at ease and comfortable there since they go there when you are out of the house. This is their own room!

Voluntarily Sleeping In His Crate
Kick When You Scratch Their Belly
A lot of pet owners find it funny and adorable when a dog kicks their leg up when their belly is scratched. However, this is the equivalent of getting tickled for them. They put their legs in the air because the scratch nerves tell them that something is itchy there. Move your hand a bit when your dog starts kicking their leg.

Kick When You Scratch Their Belly