Here is a realistic list of good resolutions that can be done by anyone. The list has a decisive advantage: it not only calms your conscience. If you stick to it, you’ll become a better person!

9 Little Things You Can Do To Become A Better Person
Be True To Yourself
In order to become a better person, one must always be true to oneself. Own and embrace the good, the bad, and the ugly. In order to improve as a person, one must first be truly aware of who one is and who one is not.
Just Ask
Ask the people around you what they know about you, or ask your friends and family what they think of you. When we talk to people, we sometimes gain new perspectives or learn something new. Hearing what people think of you or how they go about their lives can shed a lot of light on your thoughts and actions.
Give Compliments
We are not saying that you should be fake, we are saying that you really should compliment someone on something they do or who they are. Many people want to feel valued and this small gift makes a difference in their lives.
Help Someone You Don’t Like
It’s easy to help someone you like, but it’s a lot harder to help someone you don’t like. But your actions should be a reflection of you, regardless of who is asking for help. If you keep bringing forth good in this world, it will come back to you tenfold in unexpected ways.
Break Up With Your Ego
The ego keeps us from being truly kind and compassionate. It’s our ego telling us that we should get angry, or that we shouldn’t talk to someone, or that we should forgive someone. When you put your ego aside, you start seeing things differently. You become less angry and notice positive changes in your life.
Create Something
It is priceless when you create something that other people can benefit from. Whether it’s a craft or a business, a blog or a book, a special meal or an entire restaurant. Keep thinking about how you can add value to your community.
Quit Your Bad Habits
Gossiping or judging – please don’t! Give up bad habits and replace them with good ones. If you can’t break your bad habits right away, start small until you can really break them.
Smile At Strangers
It’s hard to be friendly when you’re in a hurry or being squeezed on the subway. But a little smile is enough. Smiling at strangers, especially in the morning, brightens everyone’s day.
Surprise Someone
Surprise your friends, your partner or your children. No matter how old we are, we all love surprises – good ones, of course. And it doesn’t have to be a big gesture, sometimes a simple message, a card or a letter is enough. Be creative!