Most of us have been familiar with the thought that flares up in our heads at lightning speed when we’re really happy in our relationship and that wants to spoil our happiness so powerfully: Depending on how severe the fear is, you can overcome your separation anxiety or even with the help of psychotherapy. First of all, the most important thing is that you deal with your fears: When do they appear? How do they express themselves? What are they based on? Once you have laid this foundation, you can use the following five tips to overcome your fear of seperation:

Here Is What You Can Do About Seperation Anxiety
Communication In A Relationship Is A Must
Your partner will notice that you are acting distant or particularly clingy, calling him more often or not at all. What he cannot interpret at first, you should explain to him calmly and without accusations. Your boyfriend or girlfriend will notice that you are acting distant or particularly clingy, calling him more often or not at all. What he cannot interpret at first, you should explain to him calmly and without accusations. In a healthy relationship, you should be able to talk to your partner about everything, especially your feelings and fears. Make it clear to him how you are doing and that you would like to work on yourself but need his support and understanding doing so. It is better to fight the separation anxiety together..
Understand And Know Yourself
Now that you have created this basis of trust and understanding with your partner, you should realize that your partner does not belong to you. Yes, the two of you are working on your relationship and living life together. No, that’s why you don’t have to do everything together 24/7, this is not the solution to getting your fear of loss under control. You are still two different people living separate lives. Anyone who pursues their own hobbies and meets their own friends not only increases their chances of long-term happiness in a relationship but also reduces their fear of being alone.
Take Care Of Yourself And Increase Your Self-Esteem
The most important person in the relationship is you. Always stick to the maxim and never give yourself completely to your partner or your separation anxiety. How do you do it? By strengthening your self-confidence and knowing your own worth. Sounds cheesy, but only when you love yourself will you also believe 100% that your partner loves you and that you will not lose him. Jealousy and fear of loss then disappear by themselves. Sport in any form, whether jogging to runners high, martial arts of any kind or pole dance, can give you lasting self-confidence.
Don’t Compare Yourself To Others
Millennials of Generation X, Y, Z love anything that highlights our own individuality and makes us feel special. A quick look at Instagram shows, however, that we are not all that individual. And therein lies the crux: the Instagram effect lulls us all and makes us constantly draw comparisons with others. No more: Don’t get your self-esteem on social media, which has been shown to promote mental illness. You alone are the benchmark.
Work On Your Positive Thinking
Positive vibes can also be heard on every corner of Instagram, but as soon as you no longer see it as a hashtag platitude, but seriously consider that positive thought bring more than negative ones, you’ve already won. So, put off negative thoughts like jealousy as soon as they arise. Instead, you should try to highlight everything positive in your life, maybe even write it down. In this way, negative feelings such as jealousy can be banished and the fear of losing a loved one recedes into the background.
In Conclusion, it is important to emphasize that you should face separation anxiety with confidence. Overcoming your fear is up to you, not to your partner. Although he should be part of the fight against it and support you with it.