Windshield Notes: The Best Kind of Road Rage

Published on 12/31/2018

You can classify people with road rage into two categories. The first one includes the people who will shout, scream, and throw things. The other group, meanwhile, includes those who go about their anger with wit. Their methods include releasing their rage in the form of a note that they put under the windshield wiper of their targets. This slideshow is all about the second group of road ragers! They tend to have a longer-lasting (and funnier!) impact, after all. Read on to see the best notes people have stuffed into the windshields of their enemies!

Turtle, Turtle

At first, you would probably gush about how cute the turtle is. However, don’t forget to read the rest of the message! Yup, never mind.

Turtle, Turtle

Turtle, Turtle

Parking Meme To The Rescue

Our favorite notes are the ones that can say so much in so few words. Take this meme for example! It is completely self-explanatory and we cannot think of a better way to use this classic meme. Again, make sure to park properly, everyone! Considering the fact that someone took the time to print this, it must mean that this is a long-running issue between the parties involved. In our minds, the target seems to be getting even worse at parking as the days pass by. Well, maybe this note will change things at long last.

Parking Meme to the Rescue

Parking Meme To The Rescue

LOLZ For Dayz

Wow, there is so much to unpack here. First, that is simply hilarious. Next, he even expressed his gratitude! Now, if you were going to paint on a car, saying thanks is a great way to drive the point home. If you ask us, this is a pretty ingenious move.

LOLZ For Dayz

LOLZ For Dayz


Whoa, this person definitely has skills! We all know how great the movie Taken is, right? There is a reason why the Liam Neeson quote has become incredibly popular. We get goosebumps every single time we hear it! This person has definitely mastered his craft. Good job, stranger!



Please Don’t Rob Me

Okay, so we’re breaking the premise with this photo but we think the whole world should see this! If you know that you are a prime target of car robberies, make sure to leave something like this in your broken window. Once potential deviants get a look at this note, they will definitely be ashamed to go through with their plans. Asking them to limit themselves to a single baby wipe is also a nice touch!

Please don't rob me

Please Don’t Rob Me

Helen Keller Deserves Better

Whoa! The rage emanating from this is palpable. The person who wrote this must have been seething with anger, though it seems that they had their wits about them the whole time. They simply decided to find some paint and leave a witty note. Helen Keller will never know that she was invoked in a parking dispute, though the reference is actually spot-on. Use your eyes, people!

Helen Keller deserves better

Helen Keller Deserves Better

Learn To Park, Rich Dude

Yikes, this was one note that was aiming right for the jugular! Bringing up a disabled grandmother is equivalent to bringing out the big guns in a fight. If you own a blue BMW, you don’t have any right taking up two prime spots! Truly, how inconsiderate of the owner not to think of someone’s handicapped grandmother. What kind of evil person would be so unkind to the elderly and the disabled?

Learn to park, rich dude

Learn To Park, Rich Dude

Spiderman Gets Involved

Next up, we have yet another inconsiderate fool who clearly enjoys making everyone else’s life miserable. There is a special spot in hell for people who take up multiple spaces in a crowded parking lot. Luckily, there is a superhero leaving around amazing notes like this one here to save the neighborhood from these people. Talk about passive-aggressive!

Spiderman gets involved

Spiderman Gets Involved

Caps Lock For Emphasis

The person who left this must have been so mad that they decided to pretend to be absolutely thrilled. As you can see here, it was written in all-caps and we all know what that means. Happy fury is actually a thing! Sometimes, you just get so mad that you can’t help but laugh. This person was fortunate enough to feel like a movie star despite the annoying situation. Hold on… that’s sarcasm right there!

Caps lock for emphasis

Caps Lock For Emphasis

Clever Jack

Wow, this guy here is pretty great at ducking out of a ticket, though we feel bad for the other party here! Come on, Jack. Don’t be such a jerk! At the very least, he could have left some fake contact information. Since he went to all the trouble to pretend, why not give them a tiny glimmer of hope to hold on to?

Clever Jack

Clever Jack

Almost A Rhyme

How do you think pop legend Carly Rae Jepsen would react to this? We don’t know the answer to that. However, what we do know is that this is a savage take on her hit song Call Me Maybe.

Almost A Rhyme

Almost A Rhyme

Short And To The Point

There are times when you get so mad that you don’t bother wasting time– doing so might make you even angrier! This note here perfectly encapsulates the best way to deal with such a situation. Short and sweet is the way to do it. There is no need to argue your point when you put it so succinctly. People, just park your car properly and the world will be a better place. If anything, it will at least guarantee that you don’t receive notes like this one! Do everyone a favor and improve your parking skills.

Short and to the point


Some Things Just Hurt To Read

When we watch someone getting ticket after ticket, we all sigh in relief that it isn’t us. However, we probably wouldn’t feel so lucky if we were in their shoes. You can see how desperate a person is when they start pleading with cops to avoid getting some more. We feel a little bad for this person, though maybe it is time for them to improve their driving skills!

Some things just hurt to read

Some Things Just Hurt To Read

He’s The Hero We Need

If you do not get this note, we’re here to explain the reference to you! To those out of sync with pop culture, Optimus Prime is a robot shaped like a car. This is why it is his duty to call out people who do not know how to park! You must be really terrible at it if someone like Optimus needs to do something about it.

Hes the hero we need

He’s The Hero We Need

The Bottom Below Rock Bottom

This car owner must have written this note as they were seated in their dark apartment. Perhaps they were heating a cheap frozen meal in the microwave as they got ready for their miserable job. If this is actually the case here, there is no doubt that this person is pretty pitiable. However, we cannot help but laugh at the way they handled a car theft attempt! “Thanks for checking anyway”? This is a response that will go down in history.

The bottom below rock bottom

The Bottom Below Rock Bottom

No Ticket Please

It’s a polite way to request a police officer to give you a second chance, but it clearly didn’t work here. If you find that your door is frozen shut then you had best figure out a way to get in. Cities thrive on parking tickets and they certainly aren’t going to pass up on the opportunity to get you. Just don’t pour hot water into the seams as that will lead to more freezing. We’re sure smarter people than us can give you the advice that you need.

No ticket please

No Ticket Please

Corrine Goes for the Blood

The worst luck in the world is getting caught by a police officer who takes pleasure in writing tickets. Corinne was out for blood and you can tell from this factual and well-written note of hers. Man, if only we had her courage! Hopefully, the target managed to read this. In our opinion, this is the least the universe could do for Corrine!

Corrine Goes for the Blood.

Corrine Goes for the Blood

Let’s See How This Plays Out

When you mess something up, there are two ways you can react. First, you can immediately admit your failure and make amends. If you’re not big enough to do that, you can also double down and blame everyone else for your mistake! We will never find out what actually happened here, though there is something impressive about calling out the other party when you are the one who hit the parked car. At least this person had the decency to leave his contact information! Oh, what we would give to learn what happened next. We bet it is even better than anything Netflix has to offer!

Let's see how this plays out!

Let’s See How This Plays Out

Blind Jokes, Always Good

There are times when it only takes seven words to express everything you are feeling. The writer could have put in the effort to vocalize his thoughts in a paragraph, though they simply decided to deliver a brutal joke and leave it at that. Blind jokes are common in parking disputes but this one deserves all the awards. It’s so succinct and straight to the point!

Blind Jokes, Always Good

Blind Jokes, Always Good

Killer Bob

Will you take a look at that! You can tell that Bob, the writer of the note, was feeling a lot of frustration. He was clearly out for blood when he started writing this down. He was able to insult the other person’s personality in addition to their poor parking skills. Aside from this, Bob takes no prisoners when he actively wishes the car owner gets into an accident. That’s a bit much, Bob. Maybe next time you could just wish they get an impressive amount of tickets!

Killer Bob

Killer Bob

The Parking Curse

We will be the first ones to admit that we are not superstitious people by nature, though there is still something troubling about cursing your enemies! Sometimes, you get so furious that you Google curses and hexes to out on the offending party AKA the jerk who stole the parking spot. The effect is further strengthened by the fact that it was written down on a St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital notepad paper. This is one windshield note that we all deserve to see! The writer’s fury definitely comes through.

The Parking Curse

The Parking Curse

An Appeal To Us All

All right, we feel some sympathy for the person who wrote this short note. When you have to go, you have to go. Sometimes, you have to choose between soiled trousers and a potential ticket. This person clearly knew his priorities in life and went with the former but not without leaving a note out of consideration. While we admire his bravery, this is not something we ever wish to do. But now that you mention it, a note like this does sound like a great prank idea…

An Appeal to us All

An Appeal To Us All

The Facebook Button We All Want

Finally! Someone took the time to make the Facebook button we all need. Aside from editing it, they even had business cards made. Where can we get some of those?

The Facebook Button We All Want

The Facebook Button We All Want

Send Me Their Number

Yikes. You aren’t alone – we are also cringing at the improper use of ‘their’!

Send Me Their Number

Send Me Their Number

Just Use Whatever’s Handy

You need to be resourceful if you want to write a note but have no paper on hand. Why not use something similar that will drive the point home? This is certainly one way to get their attention!

Just Use Whatever's Handy

Just Use Whatever’s Handy

Let’s Play A Game

We hate scary movies so this is not something that we would like to see on our windshields! Honestly, we feel a little scared for the poor traffic wardens. If you want to know our opinion, we think the person who made this deserves all the praises!

Let's Play A Game

Let’s Play A Game

Think Of The Ice Cream

This note got full marks when it comes to listing down things we do not like: self-important people, walking more than we have to, melted ice cream, and people with better cars. Mr. Nissan Altima should definitely feel bad about the melted ice cream. Moreover, any self-respecting driver should learn to park properly when they are in a crowded neighborhood!

Think of the ice cream

Think Of The Ice Cream


Honestly, I can’t even. As Ashton Kutcher’s character from That 70’s Show would say, “Burn!!!”



Mickey Joins The Party

Next, we have Mickey Mouse during his rebellious phase. This is hilarious and you can tell that the famous mouse has mad game!

Mickey Joins The Party

Mickey Joins The Party

Oh Snap

What’s this? A nifty checklist printed on a business card? Wow, this person definitely has everything covered. They must have had enough of crappy parkers and decided to mass produce these cards. If you have unfortunate luck in the parking lot, you might want to follow in their footsteps.

Oh Snap

Oh Snap

Stop Being A Jerk

This guy definitely deserved what was coming to him. It’s pretty cruel to park in handicapped spots if you aren’t handicapped! The whole point is that is reserved for people who actually need to park there.

Stop Being A Jerk

Stop Being A Jerk

Take The Bus

These people who take their time to print out business cards to criticize people on their parking definitely have too much time on their hands. The amount of effort they went through to do this just shows how angry they must have been.

Take The Bus

Take The Bus

That’s Cold

This person went out of their way to save a spot for their family members. You see how they emphasize the I here, just to show the parker how inconsiderate they are! This person just took this spot without considering that it was clearly reserved!

That's Cold

That’s Cold

The General Public

The writer of this note is clearly frustrated and looking for answers right away. What are the reasons that would make someone just park so rudely? They are speaking for the entire community when they wrote this note! That is a lot of pressure.

The General Public

The General Public

The Meteorologist

Wow, this note is pretty harsh! A clever pun but also quite cruel and victims of Hurricane Katrina may be offended by such a comment. We wonder how bad this parking job must have been to deserve such a note!

The Meteorologist

The Meteorologist

Dear Driver

This person is complaining like this was the worst thing to happen and their life is just so difficult. We think the best part is their signature, quite intricate if you ask us! Sounds like their lives are pretty tough thanks to this driver.

Dear Driver

Dear Driver

Think Of The Ice Cream

This writer knew exactly what to say to make this driver regret their bad parking job. I mean come on, nobody likes melted icecream! Nice dramatic addition they included there! And they had to walk 2 blocks and suffer from the boiling sun, a bad day all around.

Think Of The Ice Cream

Think Of The Ice Cream

First Day Of School

The first day of school after summer vacation is never easy for anyone. The morning stress of getting everyone ready for school and rushing to be on time. But then something happens and see you see an empty parking spot from a distance. Unfortunately, your morning is destroyed when you see a jerk who parks in not one but TWO spots! Come on really, have some consideration.

First Day Of School

First Day Of School

For The Good Of Society, Just Park Your Darn Car

This note writer was clearly at their end that they took the effort to actually type up this note. They definitely put more effort than other frustrated writers. Then they concluded it by getting personal and telling to the driver to look at their life and analyze themselves, intense.

For The Good Of Society Park Your Darn Car

For The Good Of Society Park Your Darn Car

Good One

We know we’ve said this before but notes that are written on business cards are truly legendary. These people have clearly experienced a lot of bad parking in their lives and are so angry that they hand out these personalized cards! We don’t want to be like these people.

Good One

Good One

Necessary Instructions

Well, this person didn’t shy from making it evidently clear how they feel about this driver’s parking. They even drew it out for them. We hope they get the point after this drawing, because if not then they have bigger problems.



It’s Not So Bad, Oh Wait.

So this person starts of gentle by bringing the problem to their neighbor’s attention, then they get even nicer but saying how they were in a similar position. However, by the end, things take a drastic turn and this person’s anger is fully revealed.

It's Not So Bad, Oh Wait.

It’s Not So Bad, Oh Wait.

Just For You

At least this person got to have their fun and play around with chalk. Really, how difficult it is to park in between the lines. This person has no idea how to park and they have made that pretty clear!

Just For You

Just For You

Aww Little Bunny

This person did not go as far as to print business cards but he did create documents in the form of a business card. It is quite hilarious and they even made it pretty with the addition of a bunny!

Aww Little Bunny

Aww Little Bunny

Monster Truck

We do not recommend getting on this guy’s bad side or he may use his monster truck against you. We definitely don’t think he is kidding around about this so watch out and beware of “being turned into a pile of scrap.”

Monster Truck

Monster Truck

Nature VS Nurture

It was really considerate of the guy to let the driver know that he had two squirrels conceiving on top of his car. That, or he was just trying to get back at him for his bad parking job.

Nature VS Nurture

Nature VS Nurture

No Offense But…

This note actually made us laugh out loud. This driver maybe should have thought his car choice before purchasing a white van. It definitely does not have the best reputation when you’re the owner of a white van. This guy has every reason to be creeped out, but at least they asked nicely!

No Offense But...

No Offense But…

The Dent Of Justice

This is your typical message that makes it like its the other driver’s fault for their car being hit. In other words, “You parked badly, so I couldn’t help but hit you.” Then it gets worse, take these dents in your car to remember not to bark badly next time. Wow, this one of the harsher notes we have seen for sure.

The Dent Of Justice

The Dent Of Justice

Parking Pig

This note is pretty funny, but also a bit mean. Well, they are comparing the parker to a pig and there’s not really a way to sugar coat that! At least they didn’t say something actually cruel like the other notes!

Parking Pig

Parking Pig

Spot The Dog

The person has quite an interesting sense of humor, although it did manage to make us laugh. Maybe the driver receiving this won’t be laughing but we sure are. Hopefully, they are a dog lover!

Spot The Dog

Spot The Dog