No One Could Believe It When He Confessed His Love For Someone Else During His Wedding

Published on 05/19/2019

Weddings are always emotional and exciting affairs, but nothing could possibly top the wedding vows. This is the moment for you and your future spouse to exchange promises to each other while your friends and family look on. However, we are not here to talk about a normal wedding. Something out of the ordinary happened here…

A Highly Unusual Speech

Are you a believer of true love or are you a skeptic? Weddings will probably affirm your thoughts or prove you wrong. However, this is the story of a usual wedding that came with a twist.

A Very Unexpected Speech

A Very Unexpected Speech

A Milestone

When you decide to marry the love of your life, the wedding is something you want to take seriously. It is a milestone that often comes with feelings of nervousness, joy, fear, and love. Regardless of this, nothing calls for a celebration more than the union of a couple truly in love with each other.

Most Important Day Of Their Lives

Most Important Day Of Their Lives

The Couple

The unusual wedding is the one between Jefferson and Jessica. Both of Portuguese ancestry, the two of them fell in love the moment they laid their eyes on each other. After their first meeting, they simply could not stay away from each other. Eventually, they decided it was time to start a life together. Good for them!

The Couple

The Couple

Language: Portuguese

Did you know that Portugal is a diverse country? You can see this in the languages they speak. They do not only speak Portuguese but also French, Spanish, and English. The couple made the decision to have the ceremony in the Portuguese language. It’s definitely a brave choice, but it felt appropriate to them.



They Looked Awesome!

It goes without saying that both of them looked amazing on the actual day of the wedding. Jessica looked fantastic in her dress, veil, and tiara. On the other hand, Jefferson looked just as fantastic. Nothing says true love better than going all out with your wedding clothes.

Looking Great

Looking Great

The Crowd Waits

At the time, no one knew that Jefferson was about to do something shocking. He was prepared to deliver a confession that would take everyone for a ride. It was a wedding ceremony, so everyone was thrilled and nervous as they waited for the couple to arrive.

Crowd Waits Anxiously

Crowd Waits Anxiously

An Unexpected Twist

Finally, the time came for him to take out the piece of paper and read his vows. The guests waited for him to begin. Jefferson was aware that this was a crucial moment, so he tried to deliver the message with as much clarity as he could muster.

An Unexpected Twist

An Unexpected Twist

How It All Began

It seemed just like a normal wedding at the start. The wedding took off on the right foot and everything looked perfect. However, this groom started to look nervous. His hands even shook when he began the speech. Nobody in the crowd knew what was happening but remained calm.

Where It All Began

Where It All Began

The Best Man

The best man, of course, was standing right beside the lovely couple then. He was using his phone to capture the ceremony but started to record the exchange of vows. We are sure you are wondering if he was clued into the surprise the groom cooked up! Well, what do you think?

Best Man

Best Man

The Start Of The Vows

Everything looked perfectly normal as the couple began to read their vows. Family and friends were there to watch this emotional and meaningful exchange. The bride was the first one to read her vows. Jessica promised Jefferson a lifetime of love and devotion.

The Start Of The Vows

The Start Of The Vows

A Long Pause

It was obvious that he was going to make a speech, probably an important and emotional one. After all, they watched him start, stop, pause, and then give it another shot. Everyone could tell that this groom was feeling rather nervous. However, they still had no idea why he felt that way.

Veering Off The Path

Veering Off The Path

Months of Preparation

Can you believe that Jefferson prepared the speech for a couple of months? We can now see why he was so nervous! Despite his apprehension, Jessica did not lose faith in the man she loved. She knew him well enough to be sure that he would eventually say It back to her. She actually motivated him to go on!

What Made Him Change His Mind

What Made Him Change His Mind

A Fairytale Wedding

Even though she trusted and loved him, something told her that a big thing was going to unfold then and there. The whole thing was going so smoothly before that moment. As you can see, she did not anticipate what he was planning to do. Not at all.

The Perfect Wedding

The Perfect Wedding

A Turn of Events

You need to understand that there was nothing to signal any trouble at all. All their guests were there, they looked impeccable, everything was going according to schedule… It seemed like they had nothing to worry about at all. She decided to wait patiently for whatever he wanted to say during the wedding vows. However, our groom had a different plan in mind.

A Turn Of Events

A Turn Of Events

An Unexpected Speech

His best man continued to record no matter how nervous the groom appeared. He finally got to say that he had a confession to make. According to him, there was a person in the room that he loved very much. The crowd was shocked and started to wonder who he was talking about. What was going on? The bride almost lost her cool then and there. What was he doing on the day of their wedding?

Not Quite The Usual Speech

Not Quite The Usual Speech

What was Real?

Jessica and Jefferson could not stay away from each other for long. If you ask her, she felt like he was finally “the one” for her. She was sure things will go well for them. At that point, however, she started to have doubts. You can just imagine how much emotions she must have been processing as she listened to him. Is he telling the truth?

Was This Actually Real@

Was This Actually Real?

Who Took His Heart?

The groom tore his eyes away from his bride and searched the room for someone in the crowd. It was practically an instinct for the guests to follow where his eyes went! Who could blame them when something like this was happening right before their very eyes? It was very tense in there.

Someone Else Took His Heart

Someone Else Took His Heart

Someone Else

On the day of his wedding, Jefferson spoke about a girl who stole his heart. Since he was behaving this way, there was no doubt that she must be something special. He looked nothing but sincere, though explanations were still necessary. What was he doing?

Someone Else

Someone Else

A Very Important Person

Now, we already know that the person who has taken over his heart is present in the crowd. The rest stayed quiet and allowed him to continue. Everyone felt confused about what was happening, but Jefferson was determined to keep going. The truth was about to come out at last.

Significant Other

Significant Other

A Complex Relationship

If your groom suddenly brought this up in the middle of the wedding, you will definitely feel more than a little confused. Poor Jennifer! She was under the impression that everything was going well. Unbeknownst to her, there was something like this happening the whole time.

Just The Two Of Us

Just The Two Of Us

Not Always Sunshine And Roses

Jennifer thought they had something special between them. Could she have gotten it wrong the whole time? Without a doubt, the two of them had to talk about this as soon as possible. Should they even keep going with the wedding? If you are like most people, you would probably say no.

Not Always Sunshine And Roses

Not Always Sunshine And Roses

The Other Girl

At long last, he revealed her name. She was none other than Giovana. After he made the revelation, people began to whisper. It is now time to talk about who she was and what she meant to him. She was mentioned in the speech and, get this, played a significant role during the wedding.

The Other Girl

The Other Girl


Jessica’s heart dropped when he heard that name. Giovana was 8 years old, and she was her daughter from a failed relationship. Apparently, she was the person that Jefferson was referring to the whole time! According to him, he felt a deep love for the child. Jessica must have been relieved to hear this.



Another Love In His Life

After the wedding, Jefferson was due to become the stepfather of the little girl. She was definitely an important part of the bride and groom’s lives. Guests were eager to hear what Jefferson wanted to tell the young one.

Another Love In His Life

Another Love In His Life

Another Surprise

The groom crossed the room to be with the young girl and went on his knees. He then read the speech some more. The bride was completely taken aback by the surprise, but Giovana was even more shocked.

No Longer Just Her And Her Mother

No Longer Just Her And Her Mother

Annoying Things

Jefferson proceeded with the speech by enumerating the little things Giovana did to annoy him. The list came with items like eating his food and poking him. While this might sound bad, he was just trying to tease her with some inside jokes.

List Of Grievances

List Of Grievances

What He Would Say

This little girl went through too much already. She kept waiting for her new stepfather to go on and finish his speech. Everyone was keeping their eyes on them as the touching scene unfolded. It was hard not to feel emotional after witnessing the love between these two people.

Digs A Little Deeper

Digs A Little Deeper

The Second Part

After this, Jefferson went on with the speech by telling her what he will do as her father. Here was what he promised her: “If I could ask God anything, it would be to have you as my daughter. I would be the proudest father in the world to have such a beautiful, intelligent, and educated daughter like you.”

Part 2

Part 2

Amazing Declaration

Aren’t those the loveliest words you have ever heard? He went on to tell her that he actually asked God to let her be his daughter. The guests kept looking on in shock and tears. Parental love is truly something else, and here was proof.

Words They Will Never Forget

Words They Will Never Forget

The Sweetest Gesture

Jefferson was still kneeling in front of her when he promised that he would love her like he was her actual father. He told her he was going to help, love, and protect her for the rest of their lives. Jessica, meanwhile, felt like crying then and there.

A Sweet Gesture

A Sweet Gesture

Important Words

These three words served as the best ending to his speech to Giovana: “I love you!” At that point, he was already trembling and then broke down. What a touching moment! It’s a good thing they captured it on video. The love between this future daughter-father duo is truly touching.

Those All Important Words

Those All Important Words

Tearing Up

After he said that, he had both his bride and the child in tears. However, he must have been surprised when Giovana took over the microphone and tried to keep her emotions in check. Looking at him, the young girl declared that she loves him as well!

Everyone Was In Tears

Everyone Was In Tears

I Love You!

After he closed the speech, Jefferson reiterated how much he loved her again: “I love you, my love!” What a beautiful thing it is to watch the bond between two people who love each other! The guests at the wedding probably never saw anything that touching.

I Love You

I Love You

In Tears

When Jefferson was done with his speech, the time came for the little girl to talk. She wiped her wet eyes with a napkin and her stepdad remained kneeling there. Let us see what she was going to tell him.

More To Come

More To Come

Giovana’s Turn

Giovana was now the one to talk. Her response might have been short, but it was still emotional. She thanked him and called him the “father of her heart”, even though he was not her biological dad.

Giovanas Turn

Giovana’s Turn

Not A Dry Eye In The House

When Giovana was talking, she kept wiping the tears from her eyes. Jefferson, on the other hand, stayed kneeling and sobbing in front of the young girl. All the guests in the room were crying. Who can blame them?

Not A Dry Eye In The House

Not A Dry Eye In The House

Warm Embrace

When this father and daughter duo finished declaring how much they loved each other, they embraced. The guests all stood up and cheered for them. Man, has there ever been a more emotional wedding?

Warm Embrace

Warm Embrace

The Video Went Viral

In this day and age, many people take to YouTube to post videos about weddings. You will find proposal fails and funny best man speeches there. However, you know it is something special when more than a million people viewed it.

The Video Went Viral

The Video Went Viral

Video Sensation

The video was posted sometime in February 2017, and it was indeed special. Although Jefferson and Giovana gave their speech in Portuguese, most viewers did not mind. You might not understand the language, but it is easy enough to figure out what was happening. Watch it and cry!

Unique Video Sensation

Unique Video Sensation

Elements Of The Viral Video

When you click on the video, you will see that the opening shows the couple reciting their vows. The bride and groom were just standing in front of their loved ones in a reception hall. If you look at the wedding guests, you will see that they were not clued in as to what was coming up.

Elements Of The Viral Video

Elements Of The Viral Video

Elements Of The Viral Video

The video shows our groom taking the mic. He might have started the speech by telling a joke, although it was going to turn more serious and emotional right away. His face tells you that what would come next was no laughing matter.

Taking The Mic

Taking The Mic


In the video, it is also easy to see the reaction of the bride, the daughter, and the guests. Truly, it is fascinating that such an incredible moment was captured on tape. We are glad that modern technology lets us all capture these beautiful moments and view them whenever we want.



The World Moved

We bet that this is among the most heartwarming moments out there! It comes as no surprise that it received millions of hits not long after it was posted on the platform. After all, this is not something that happens often.

The World Moved

The World Moved


Can you believe that it garnered more than 10 million views in a span of fewer than 8 months? Well, when you consider the other stuff you will hear about on the internet, it’s not surprising it turned into a hit.

Magnanimous Attention

Magnanimous Attention

A Beautiful Reaction

The video had generally positive reactions from the people who watched them. Many left lovely comments and congratulated them. We think it is nothing short of impressive how these strangers did these things even without knowing any of them.

A Beautiful Reaction

A Beautiful Reaction

Positive Comment

Here is what YouTube user Jochelle Recto had to say about the amazing comment: “Even if the language is foreign, it still made me cry.” There is something so lovely about how love can cross cultures, languages, and distances! No matter how much bad stuff is going on in the world, love is universal.

Lessons To Be Learnt

Lessons To Be Learnt

No Matter The Language

The lovely video just went on to show that truly heartfelt moments such as this one will always tug at our heartstrings regardless of our differences. We hope that we will get to enjoy more intimate and heartwarming stories like this one in the future!

No Matter The Language

No Matter The Language