Historical Images That Will Give You The Chills

Published on 12/27/2018

Can you believe that two centuries have passed since the first photograph was successfully developed? Since then, many things have changed in the industry. Nowadays, it is possible to send a photograph to someone from the other side of the globe! However, we would like to redirect your attention to important photos you have never seen before. Get ready to be amazed as you look at images that will give you goosebumps!

Brunette Turned Blonde

Can you believe that the beautiful Brigitte Bardot is now 84 years old? It’s hard to believe but it is nonetheless true. The French model and actress enjoyed plenty of success back in the ’50s and ’60s. Here, she was photographed while in Seville. We bet the other beachgoers crowded around her to see their idol!

Brunette Turned Blonde

Riding For Life

It would be wrong to mistake this guy for someone who voluntarily went to the amusement park to have fun. The photograph shows a prisoner on death row trying out a rollercoaster against his will. We’re not sure how things turned out for him but man, this is definitely a creepy image.

Riding For Life

On The Johnny Carson Show

Johnny Carson entertained TV viewers on his talk show for nearly three decades! He invited guests from different fields and niches. The wide variety of people who appeared definitely kept everyone intrigued to the very end. Many enjoyed Robyn Hilton’s appearance on the show. The actress and model is severely underrated for her performance in Blazing Saddles.

On The Johnny Carson Show

What A Champ

Everyone, say hi to Ham the Chimp. He made history as the first humanoid to ever go to outer space. His bravery is legendary and if it weren’t for him, we would not have been able to deploy people into space. Thanks, Ham!

What A Champ

Jungle Pam

We all know that Jim Liberman received a lot of praise for the drag racing craze but we daresay his partner Jungle Pam is also worthy of attention. Her wardrobe was to die for and she was an inspiration to all tomboys back then.

Jungle Pam

What A Couple

When Charles Bronson married Jill Ireland, his second wife, they were granted power couple status right away. Take a look at this photograph of the couple as they walk hand in hand! They were beautiful and they knew it. Tragically, Bronson passed away at the age of 81 in 2003.

What A Couple

Real-Life Shrek

No, this is not Shrek from the famous animated films. This is Maurice Tillet, a Russian-French pro wrestler. His monikers include both “The World’s Ugliest Man” and the “French Angel”. Unfortunately, he passed away when he was 50 years old.

Real-Life Shrek

Time To Work Out

It was hard to find a bigger star than Jamie Lee Curtis back in the ’80s and ’90s. The photo below is a still from the 1985 film Perfect. Did you know the actress established a health and fitness program of her own before? This might be why she still looks good at 60 years old!

Time To Work Out

A Short Address

It is not hard to identify who are flight attendants. After all, you can see their sharp attire from a mile away! The photo below shows a Swedish flight attendant taking a good look at the clothes of a showgirl. According to the grapevine in 1959, flight attendants were about to dress in a similar fashion!

A Short Address

Burst Of Joy

Anyone who knows their history knows that prisoner exchanges are common during wartime. In the ’70s, the US government launched “Operation Homecoming” in the hope of bringing home US soldiers taken by the Viet Cong. Titled “Burst of Joy”, this photograph shows the reunion of Lt. Col Robert Stirm and his family after he spent 6 years as a prisoner of war.

Burst Of Joy

Babies In The Air

There were hundreds of Vietnamese orphan babies by the end of the Vietnam War. The United States government then began “Operation Babylift” on April 12, 1975. It involved flying the infants from the Asian country to the USA. There, they were put up for adoption to US, Australian, Canadian, and French citizens.

Babies In The Air

Tattoo Chin

Whoa, this is definitely a fascinating picture. Olive Ann Oatman was kidnapped by a tribe of native Americans. Together with her sister, she was given to a Mohave chief to be his daughter. She grew up there and she was only retrieved after people reported seeing a white girl with the native tribe. They managed to take her after giving the Mohave horses and some blankets. She had assimilated to the culture by then and she was even given this chin tattoo.

Tattoo Chin

Gaming Geeks

It would be wrong to think that computer game conventions are new! The photograph below shows the National Space Invaders Championship back in 1980. About 10,000 people showed up for the event. We’re just glad we have more convenient computers these days.

Gaming Geeks

James Dean

Can you believe how dashing James Dean looked back in the day? However, this is no ordinary picture. It showed the actor at a gas station just hours before his death!

James Dean

Real Ray?

Now, people like to argue about whether this stingray is real or not. We don’t know the answer, though we can all agree that it is eye-catching! Snapped by A.L. Khan in 1935, we think we will never step foot in the ocean again if we learn that it is real.

Real Ray?


The ’20s and ’30s were dark times for the United States in more ways than one. Apart from the Great Depression, there was also the “Prohibition”. In those days, alcohol was basically illegal. Here was what happened when the police conducted a raid on a brewery in Detroit!


Lincoln: Before And After

Every president has to deal with a tremendous amount of pressure and stress while in office. If you need an example, these two pictures of Abraham Lincoln should do the trick. Guess which ones were taken before and after the Civil War.

Lincoln: Before And After

Brave Stock Image

This photographer deserves some sort of award! A Medal of Valor might do the trick. They must have felt the shock-wave brought by the explosion. That’s a whole new level of courage.

Brave Stock Image

Standing Out

Even when the laws change for the better, it takes a while before people accept it. This photograph shows Dorothy Counts. She was the first African-American student to enroll at a white school after it was made legal. Although it was no longer illegal, she was still bullied and left the school four days later.

Standing Out

Two Faces

Meet Walter Leo. He got a “skin flap” procedure after the First World War. It doesn’t look flattering but this was meant to help treat battle wounds.

Screenshot 23

Two Faces

Flying Fists

Did you know that sports used to be segregated? It’s true. In those days, women were banned from taking part in soccer, marathons, and other activities. However, some women banded together to do these things in private. Look at these women’s rights activists boxing on the roof in the ’30s!

Flying Fists

Home Runs

There is a good reason why many sports fans look up to Babe Ruth. He has hit home-run 714 times and struck out 1,330 times! He holds the record in both aspects of the game if you can believe that. This photograph was taken in 1934 as he made his 700th home run.

Home Runs

The Giant Of Illinois

All right, try thinking of the tallest friend you have and then double their height. It is only then that they stand a chance of towering over Robert “Giant of Illinois” Wadlow! He has a Guinness world record and we think you know what it is for.

The Giant Of Illinois

Not Fazed

In 1960, Martin Luther King Jr. stepped out into his lawn when he found this outside his house. It was a burnt cross from the infamous KKK. It’s a good thing he did not feel discouraged by the racist sign.

Not Fazed


Man, what a creepy photo! Let me follow it up with some facts to lessen the effects. You are actually looking at the so-called survivors of the 1930 fire at the Madame Tussaud’s London Wax Museum.


Fishing Buddies

Take a look at this rare photo of the two chatting and fishing aboard a boat. It is almost hard to believe the revolutionaries deposed President Batista.

Fishing Buddies

Young Love

Elizabeth Taylor was only 17 years old when this photo was taken in 1948! She was snapped reading the love letter sent to her by her boyfriend Glenn Davis. We love this photo!

Young Love

Looking Out The Window

True enough, very few people have the “privilege” of watching a nuclear bomb go off from their home. This rare image shows a mother and son pair as they stare at the Las Vegas nuclear missile test happening 75 kilometers away from them.

Looking Out The Window

The A-Team

There have been many changes over the years when it comes to photography. Before, it was not wise to take a hundred photos since you could not simply press delete. In those days, they only whipped out the camera during important moments like this since film was extremely expensive.

The A-Team


One way to make fertilizer is by using the remnants of fruits and veggies. However, bison skull used to be an ingredient people used! This photo shows how much effort people made to create fertilizer during the 1870s.
