The Next Big Thing in Kurt Russel And Goldie Hawn’s Life

Published on 03/22/2020
Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn

Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn

It feels as though almost every couple has problems in Hollywood and don’t do it over time. Obviously, these relationships fail for many reasons, but many times, they have to do with unfaithfulness or with the couple falling apart. On the other side of the coin, we have the golden Hollywood pair Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn, Respectively. The equivalent of a fairy tale in our minds is living in Hollywood.

When You Know, You Know

This couple consistently proved that their love could stand the test of time. It was love at first sight for them. While their relationship finally gained a great deal of attention, their news was devastating for us all.

When You Know, You Know

When You Know, You Know

Is Monogamy Dead?

“Monogamy’s a hard job. You’re in the prime of your life, and maybe you have dreams, drawn by other men,” Goldie told people during an interview. It definitely asked us if this couple had been met with doubt in the past. It wouldn’t be that long since it seems to be something that’s  quite common in the industry.

Is Monogamy Outdated?

Is Monogamy Dead?

Shedding Light On The Honeymoon Phase

We are all aware that a honeymoon is a wonderful time in a relationship, but it will disappear over time. Once Goldie did an interview, she spoke about this subject and her honeymoon period with Kurt.

Was This The Beginning of The End?

Shedding Light On The Honeymoon Phase

The Hidden Truth

“You want to see each other all the time at the beginning,” she said. She and Kurt eventually purchased a large mansion and then spent millions creating separate living spaces. This led to separate lives eventually. This is devastating for all of us. What separated them?

The Hidden Truth

The Hidden Truth

Where It All Started

During their early careers, Kurt and Goldie met. In 1968, they worked closely with The Only and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band. Kurt felt like Goldie was the start of his life’s new chapter. But, while they were on set, we were shocked by something that happened to them.

How Did It Start?

Where It All Started

Age Is Not Just A Number

Although they had intense chemistry, after the completion of the project, Kurt and Goldie took their different ways. Goldie felt that her age gap was too wide. Goldie was at the time twenty-one years old, Kurt just sixteen. She had said during an interview with BBC, “I thought he was beautiful, but he was too young.

Age Matters

Age Is Not Just A Number

Launched Into Stardom

After the two had finished filming, they started to build successful careers. Only a few years after the film was over, Goldie won a Best Supporting Actress Academy Award for the same role. This was really her success in the stardom. This wasn’t long before she was an Oscar candidate.

Breakout Star

Launched Into Stardom

70s Icon

Goldie was a global phenomenon at the beginning of the 70s. She also hosted Pure Goldie and the Goldie Hawn Special, the popular television show. In addition, she has signed with Warner Brothers a record agreement with Buck Owens and Dolly Parton, who are worthy to release her country record. Turns out Goldie’s a talented star!

A Honky Tonk Woman

70s Icon

Kurt Russel’s Rise To Fame

In comparison with Goldie, Kurt, on the other hand, did not have much success with his career. While he took on a couple of roles in successful films, he did not get as noticed as Goldie did. He played a part in Elvis ‘ hit film. His success finally gave him an Emmy nomination and gave him a name. It wasn’t a long time since his career began.

The Action Hero

Kurt Russel’s Rise To Fame

A Prediction By Walt Disney

This is a fun thing not many know: Kurt links to a very obscure event in Walt Disney. A while prior to the death, in 1966, of the famous animator, Disney wrote, “Kurt Russell.” Nobody knows what that means.

Walt Disney's Premonition

A Prediction By Walt Disney

Lifelong Mystery

Maybe Disney expected the future stardom of Kurt? As a kid, Kurt became an actor and a long-term contract was signed by Walt Disney. The last written words of Disney remained to this day a mystery.

Lifelong Mystery

Lifelong Mystery

Sport vs Entertainment

Kurt was a professional baseball player before becoming a full-time star. He decided to be a doctor. He decided to go on in the footsteps of his father when he was young and join the smaller leagues. He has developed himself as a second baseman of the Bend Rainbows, as well as of the Walla Walla Islanders. He was wounded, however, tearing his rotator cuff, and decided to be an actor again.

Baseball or Acting

Sport vs Entertainment

Change Of Plan

Despite the fact that he made a name for himself as the second baseman for the Bend Rainbows and the Walla Walla Islanders, he got injured. His rotator cuff tore during a game. As a result, Kurt decided to go back to acting.

Change Of Plan

Change Of Plan

Living Completely Different Lives

She married Gus Trikonis in 1969. Their marriage lasted for 7 years and Goldie married Bill Hudson afterwards. Two children were with the family. Kurt married Season Hubley during this time–they worked together to film Elvis. Together they had a son.

Two Separate Lives

Living Completely Different Lives

It All Ended

Kurt and Season were divorced in 1983 after being married for four years. And, when Hudson filed for a divorce in 1980, Goldie’s marriage to Hudson was over. The two were both single, finally. They had no idea, though, that they were going to cross paths again.

Matrimony No More

It All Ended

A Tale Of Fate

In 1983, Goldie and Kurt met again during the Swing Shift audition. Though in such a long time they didn’t see each other, Russell told me that he was hit and couldn’t come to her. The line for which he finally decided was “Boy, you have a great figure.” Would you believe that?

Fate Brings Them Together

A Tale Of Fate

A Memorable Date

Who would think the lame pick-up line would work? Goldie and Kurt went to see a film and then went to dance for the second time. They had a great time, they said.

A First Date To Remember

A Memorable Date

Good Story To Tell

After that, they went together to the place of Goldie. It turns out Goldie forgot her key when they got there and led her to just break into her apartment. The police thought they were intruders to their shock.

Good Story To Tell

Good Story To Tell

Family Union

The pair were inseparable from then on to the next three years. The two families met when Goldie revealed that they wanted a child together. Born in 1986, Wyat Russell. By then, Kurt had a son of her own, but Goldie was a mother of two.

A Family United

Family Union

Mother And Daughter

There is no question about the many similarities between Goldie and her daughter Kate. One such thing is that Kate is also a good actress. She’s also appeared in several films such as How To Lose a Guy In Ten Days and My Best Friend’s Girl. She also built her career by launching and writing a book and her own fitness clothing line.

Like Mother Like Daughter

Mother And Daughter

Finding Her Own Success

From the light of her parents, Kate wanted to make her own career. She had some small roles, which finally led to a breakthrough role in the famous movie. She subsequently was nominated for the best supporting actress ‘ Academy Award for her role as Penny Lane.

Breakthrough Role

Finding Her Own Success

Loving Relationship

Although many children tend to find it difficult to accept their step-parents, Kate isn’t one of them. She accepted Kurt with no trouble as her stepfather. The two are actually incredibly close Kate looks upon Kurt as a father.

Kate And Kurt

Loving Relationship

Real Dad

Kate had a strained relationship with her biological father, as she claims he didn’t want to know her. Kurt has been with her since she was 18 months old, it isn’t shocking that Kate considers him to be a father figure.

Real Dad

Real Dad

Kate And Oliver’s Views On Bill

Although the siblings are close to each other, they’ve been making things right with their father. Unfortunately, Bill didn’t have the same intention; this must have been heartbreaking to his children. Kate and her brother Oliver Hudson have announced that they tried to contact their biological father, Bill. Unfortunately, it didn’t work.

Kate And Oliver’s Relationship With Bill

Kate And Oliver’s Views On Bill

Bill’s Saddening Statement

On father’s day of 2015, with this sad title “Happy Abandonment Day,” Oliver posted a photo of his childhood. Most people assumed he spoke of his father. Bill had said that after divorce he tried to maintain a relationship with the children but Goldie had made it practically impossible once Kurt was in the picture. He told the news that his ex-wife had “poisoned” his children in order to hate him.

The Absent Father Speaks

Bill’s Saddening Statement

How Bill Feels About Goldie

Bill saw this as an opportunity to talk to his ex-wife after Katie broke up with her boyfriend, Matt Bellamy. He said Kate follows in the footsteps of her mother. “Like her mum, she’s got a wandering eye,” he said. We can just imagine how this has influenced Kate.

Bill’s harsh words for Goldie

How Bill Feels About Goldie

Kate’s Relationship With Her Mother

While her relationship with her father is strained, she and her mother are very close. Kate said she thought that her mother was always portrayed as a big role model. She’s lucky enough to have a mother who’s always there to help her!

Kate And Goldie’s Relationship

Kate’s Relationship With Her Mother

Wyatt’s Road To Stardom

Wyatt, the son of Kurt and Goldie, also began his acting journey. So far, he has had some great successes. He played In Everybody Wants Some!! Baseball is the film’s subject. Before he took part in the movie, he was a pro hockey player. His parents gave him the upper hand in life.

Wyatt Is A Budding Star

Wyatt’s Road To Stardom

Granny Goldie

As a team, Kurt and Goldie raised some kids. By that time, their children have already begun their own families. Kate Huson has three children: Chris Robinson, one son of her ex-husband, and two children with Matt Bellany. She had a daughter recently with her current boyfriend. Oliver has his own three children too

Goldie As A Grandmother

Granny Goldie

Raising In Faith

Under strict guidance of Judaism, Goldie raised both her kids. But, in Buddhism, the children of Hawn-Russell took. In the past Kate said that meditation has greatly enhanced her life, and now she spends at least half an hour a day practicing them. Also Oliver is a Buddhist, who wants to marry Erinn Barlett with his Buddhist monk.

Raising Families

Raising In Faith

Work And Personal Life

Goldie and Kurt won over their fans as they appeared in the films and gave the audience another opportunity to see them together. As they played in the movie Swing shift. While the film wasn’t as good as they expected, Overboard made a total of $27 million in the box office. Kurt said he hoped that in future he would work more with Goldie.

Living And Working Together

Work And Personal Life

Ceremonial Union

Kurt and Goldie have been empowering couples worldwide for more than 35 years. While most of their fans waited for their wedding, the two of them didn’t marry. “What will we do with getting married?” Goldie said. She explained briefly how she felt about marrying Kurt. Their children respect their decision in its entirety. While they did not have a wedding plan, the pair engaged together in a celebration.

Wedding Bells

Ceremonial Union

No Need For Vows

Goldie said that her decision not to marry was what kept them together while she conducted an interview with Vanity. She continued to say that if they had married, she thought they would be divorced by now. “The fact that it gives you freedom to make choices, one way or the other, is something psychological about not getting married. I decided to stay for me. Kurt decided to stay. And that is the choice we want.

Staying Together Sans Vows

No Need For Vows

Together, Yet Divided

Although the pair have a $7 million mansion together, each has its own living areas in the privacy of its own house. The living rooms of Goldie have floor-to-ceiling windows with yoga and meditation rooms. The region of Kurt is adorned with different objects of hunting. The couple agree that they must live together in peace with their own personal spaces.

A House Together Yet Divided

Together, Yet Divided

A Celebration To Remember

In 2017, the pair were celebrated with a memorable event on Hollywood Boulevard. It celebrated their performance as stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame together. Their stars are set side-by-side.

Dynamic Duo

A Celebration To Remember

Guests Of Honor

The ceremony could have been a marriage because it acknowledged both’s love for each other. Not to mention, people such as Quentin Tarantino and Reese Witherspoon as well as other famous celebrities were the guests of honor. With a beautiful speech Kate was sure to honor her parents.

Guest List Of Honour

Guests Of Honor

Heartfelt Speech

Kate’s speech was so sincere that it brought tears to her mother’s eyes. She told the crowd how Goldie had always been such a good mom. “I always thought I would speak like in a wedding or something about them. But since a wedding does not seem to be possible to us, this could be my only chance ever.”

Kate’s Speech

Heartfelt Speech

Not Short Of A Sense Of Humour

When the time came for Goldie to speak, she mentioned a number of things Kate said and started teasing, “Did we just marry?” We never discussed this before, but I am not going to pop up the question.” She was sure to avoid speculation on marriage.

Goldie’s Wedding Sense Of Humour

Not Short Of A Sense Of Humour

Goldie’s Opinion On Marriage

Goldie explained her views on marriage when she appeared on Loose Women: “Marriage is an interesting psychological thing.” She continued, saying that she enjoyed having a sense of independence and freedom in the relationship. “If you need to feel attached to someone then it is important to marry.”

Her view on marriage

Goldie’s Opinion On Marriage


The fact that you are not married is a psychological thing. For her and Kurt, that’s the arrangement that works between them. “For me, I choose to stay, Kurt chose to stay, and we like the choice we made,” said Goldie.



A Great Year

The latest movie from Goldie, Snatched, was released a week later. We can only imagine what a great time that was for her! This was her first film-in 15 years! It must have felt great to come back to work.

It Was A Good Year

A Great Year

Not Supportive

Goldie certainly recalled her humble beginning in her speech. Her parents did not accept her career choices and they didn’t think she had the ability to become a star. They can’t be more wrong!

Not Supportive

Not Supportive

A Great Year For Russel Too

To Russell 2017 was also a wonderful year. He was the star of some of the biggest blockbuster films ever, The Fast and The Furious. He also appeared in Galaxy Guardians of Marvel, not to mention.

A Good Year For Him Too

A Great Year For Russel Too

All Round A Great Year

Goldie and Kurt were not the only ones that had a fantastic year in 2017. As it turns out. Pretty Happy: Healthy Ways to Love Your Body, Kate’s fitness book has been a huge success. She also played with Chadwick Boseman in Marshall.

A Good Year For All

All Round A Great Year

A Family Of Stars

Kate and Oliver have both become successful actors and worked together to stardom. Kate has recently announced that her brother is joining her company and is responsible for the design of men’s activewear. Since its launch in 2015, the brand has really grown.

A Family Business

A Family Of Stars

Family First

Russell-Hawns put their family first. Goldie and Kurt absolutely support their children and show love and appreciation to them. That is just one of the reasons they are so connected to each other as a family unit.

Family Is Everything

Family First

What The Kids Think

Both Goldie and Kurt felt it was right to ask their children for their views on marriage. Both have had support from their children for about 10 years in their relationship. “And they said,’ No!” They loved it. They enjoyed it. It was great, “Goldie said.

What Do The Kids Think?

What The Kids Think

Unwavering Love

Although Kurt and Goldie have been together for so long, they still have a fair share of hard times. But, still. Their love for each other was certainly strong enough to stand the test of time.

Everlasting Love

Unwavering Love

”I Cherish You”

While speaking, Kurt said plain, but powerful words to reflect his affection to Goldie: “I owe you my wonderful life. Just put Goldie, I adore you. Not all the stars in the sky or the street hold a candle to that. Nobody else I want to be beside Goldie Hawn.”

The Perfect Words

”I Cherish You”

Still Enchanting Fans

The Overboard film was the joint project of the couple that started their relationship. It was recently recreated by the fans who wanted to see the two again together in a film. Yet Anna Faris appeared in Goldie’s role in the remake. The revival came out in 2018, and we can only presume we will possibly not see this pair on the big screen anytime together.

Still Loved Today

Still Enchanting Fans

Secrets For Success

Goldie spoke about how she and Kurt spent the first night with each other so magically that started everything. Both Kurt and Goldie had enough to never take a look back or even think about separation.

The Secret To Their Success

Secrets For Success

Baby Boston

Although Wyatt is very popular in the entertainment industry, from his first marriage Kurt has another son called Boston. Even if Boston is not an actor, he remains as much in the spotlight as the rest of his family. He was a part of the Executive Decision and the TV show for 60 minutes and was involved in aspects of the film industry.

Baby Boston

Baby Boston

Political Views

Kurt’s libertarian. He’s really far from Goldie’s political convictions. He gave an interview and shared his views with Toronto Sun in 1996. He was raised a Republican, but over time he became a Libertarian because he felt that between Democrats and Republicans, there was not much difference.

Political Views

Political Views


Kurt and Goldie decided to relocate with their son to further his career in playing hockey in Vancouver, British Columbia. Since he was little, Wyatt played hockey and his parents knew California was not the right place to succeed.



Giving Back

Goldie has always loved kids. Since Goldie cares for a lot of children and grandchildren. In 2003, with her foundation, she took it to the next level She founded the Hawn Foundation which focuses on research into educational programs and ways to improve their well-being.

Giving Back

Giving Back

Kurt’s Passion

Just like Goldie, Kurt loves to support people and has a big heart. He believes in Wings of Hope, the humanitarian organization. It explains his compassionate charity and role as an honorary member of the committee in the company. The company tries to assist communities worldwide.

Kurt's Passion

Kurt’s Passion