What do solo cups, old TV antennas, coat hangers, and ridges on coins all have in common? Aside from being everyday household items, they also have all kinds of little uses which you probably never even knew about. These items can help you solve pesky problems in your home if you repurpose them! You’ll notice a dramatic reduction in your visits to Target and Home Depot once you begin using the life hacks we have for you here. Continue reading to learn simple tricks that can make your life easier.

The Secrets That Regular Household Items Hold
Wine Bottle Dip
If you enjoy drinking wine, it is possible you have already noticed that the end of the wine bottle has a dip. You might think that it is an interesting design quirk, but the kick-up or punt, as what the part is called, actually has a few purposes. It makes the bottle more stable, and thus helps prevent the bottle from falling over and breaking when a strong rush of wind passes by. A bottle with a punt is also stronger, making it ideal for holding sparkling wine and champagne in. Lastly, the kick-up makes cleaning bottles easier because it helps in distributing steam.

Wine Bottle Dip
Shirt Loops
These loops are found on both t-shirts and nice collared shirts. This practice apparently started with the Navy. These loops are used to hang shirts on hooks by sailors who are out at sea since closet space is limited. In the ‘60s, college kids also used them to make sure their shirts remain neat and wrinkle-free when they at the gym. Nowadays, the loops are added by manufacturers to show the shirts’ quality and class.

Shirt Loops
Colored Toothpaste Squares
In case you have not noticed, a toothpaste tube has a tiny colored block at the bottom. Usually black, blue, red, or green, the block or the “eye mark” is actually more than a simple obscure aesthetic choice! It tells the assembly line machine the part of the packaging that should be folded and cut. Therefore, no “eye marks” mean tubes of toothpaste would remain attached together, making toothbrushing much more difficult.

Colored Toothpaste Squares
Gas Gauge Arrow
If you drive a car, you may have already noticed this – next to the fuel gauge of practically every car manufactured from the year 2010 onwards is a triangle that points to the left or right. The purpose of this arrow is to tell the driver whether the gas cap is found on the driver side or the passenger side. This is especially useful if you are driving a brand-new vehicle or a car you rented. If you ask us, the arrow sounds pretty handy.

Gas Gauge Arrow
Charcoal Purifies Air And Removes Odors
Home goods stores sell activated bamboo charcoal, which can be used for purifying the air and removing odors. No need for expensive air purifiers or some baking soda here. Besides that, activated bamboo charcoal can remove both allergens and bacteria. Just place it in mesh bags and put them in areas that has foul odors. There are also companies that sell products like BreathGreen Charcoal Bags for $10 each.

Charcoal Purifies Air And Removes Odors
Random Jean Buttons
If you love wearing jeans, chances are you have noticed all the extra buttons usually found near the pockets of your pants. However, you probably do not know that the buttons, which are called rivets, are pretty important. Without them, the garment could wear out at the seams and rip open. Jeans giant Levi Strauss has the patent on rivets. The idea came to him when he learned of miners complaining about their jeans becoming easily worn out in 1829.

Random Jean Buttons
Extra Fabric With New Clothes
New clothes sometimes come with a tiny bag that has an extra strip of fabric. People might assume that the fabric should be used for mending tears and rips, but it is actually meant for something else. It is intended to be a trial cloth which you can use in finding out if a new item of clothing will bleed or shrink when washed. It is definitely better to know how the garment will react in the wash so that you know how to handle it.

Extra Fabric With New Clothes
Pot Handle Holes
If cooking is your profession, then you might know why pot and pan handles have a hole. For those who do not know, these pieces of kitchenware are easier to hang up if not in use because of the hole in the handle. This is a good way to make sure that they dry properly after washing them. Chefs also use the hole to hold a stirring spoon, and other utensils because is a pretty convenient way to keep the utensil clean!

Pot Handle Holes
Extra Sneaker Holes
We are sure that you have noticed some extra holes on your sneakers. If your shoes are too big for you, you probably find them pretty uncomfortable and perhaps have gotten some blisters from wearing them. You can thread your shoelaces through the extra hole on the opposite side. This creates a loop that tightens the lock even more. This is called the “lace lock” or “heel lock”

Extra Sneaker Holes
Winter Hat Pom-Poms
Winter hats can keep your head comfy and warm during wintertime. If you wondered why these pieces of clothing come with those pom-poms, the fashion feature is from Scandinavia. They used to add the pom-poms to gather the seams. These days, the adorable feature is more for aesthetic purposes.

Winter Hat Pom-Poms
Airplane Window Holes
The small hole in the plane window might have freaked you out, but you are not alone. Perhaps you are wondering what it is for. It is the breather hole, which allows the plane’s outer panes to manage the pressure difference when the airplane flies higher. Because of this, the cabin remains safe and comfortable. If the outer pane got compromised, there will be an air leak!

Airplane Window Holes
Black Grating In The Microwave
We are sure you have not really inspected your microwave closely. However, it is pretty easy to spot the black grating that is on the door of the appliance. It is known as the Faraday shield, which keeps the electromagnetic fields in the microwave. This means only food gets warmed and not people.

Black Grating In The Microwave
Dimples On Golf Balls
If you look at golf balls closely, you will see that they are not perfectly round and have dimples throughout their surface. Apparently, golfers before noticed that balls with nicks and bumps have the tendency to travel longer distances. The imperfections create turbulence, so drag is reduced. Because of this, manufacturers began making golf balls that have dimples to create some more lift.

Dimples On Golf Balls
Long Bottle Necks
Adult beverages come in long necked bottles because this shape makes holding beers for extended periods of time more comfortable. In addition, it is easier to pour the drink in a glass or mug if this is the shape of the bottle. As for unfiltered beers, long-necks which have a more bulbous neck are more commonly used in order to capture sediments. What’s more, long necks distribute the heat all over the bottle.

Long Bottle Necks
Can Tabs
Anyone who has tried opening a can of soda before is surely familiar with the tab on the can. Most people probably find it annoying since it has the tendency to detach and fall in the can! Apparently, the tabs are meant to be a straw holder. Nowadays, people just drink from the can, and manufacturers have even widened the mouth of cans to make this easier!

Can Tabs
Takeout Boxes
We adore Chinese takeout, especially on days when we do not feel like cooking. Most people eat it straight out of the carton. However, the takeout boxes were actually designed flat since they are intended to serve as a plate. With the food inside, pull the sides apart. Then lay the dismantled box flat on the table and you will have a plate that is perfectly usable!

Takeout Boxes
Double Keyboard Bumps
The computer keyboard comes with F and J keys that have bumps on them so that users are still able to figure out the keyboard even though their eyes are on the computer screen. If you type properly, your left pointer finger should rest on F, while the right one is on J. It is not necessary to constantly look at the keyboard as the bumps on the keys are enough indication.

Double Keyboard Bumps
Measuring Tape Metal
We bet you have tried holding the end of some measuring tape before and noticed that there is a small piece of metal there. There are a couple of reasons for that. If you are working alone, you can wrap the small slot around a piece of nail to keep the measuring tape in place. Aside from that, the edge is serrated, so it is handy if you have to mark a surface.

Measuring Tape Metal
Pen Cap Holes
At a glance, it is easy to think that something is wrong with a pen cap because of the hole in it, but the hole actually has a purpose. Air can still flow in if the cap is accidentally swallowed. This makes sense because a lot of people like to put pen caps in their mouths while they are thinking!

Pen Cap Holes
iPhone Camera Hole
The tiny hole besides the iPhone’s camera lens is definitely not a secret camera but is actually a microphone! Starting with the iPhone 5, Apple has included three mics in their smartphones. One is found under the speaker grill. There is another one on the bottom edge. The third mic is the one beside the camera lens. Whatever way you hold the phone, it is easy to record sound.

iPhone Camera Hole
Zigzag Side On Bobby Pins
Bobby pins have a straight and wavy side. The zigzag pattern should be used facing towards the scalp because aside from looking cooler if used that way, the wavy side actually helps secure the pin, keeping the pin in place the entire day. Holding onto a clump of hair is easier this way.

Zigzag Side On Bobby Pins
Cable Cord Cylinders
The cylinder-like lump you see on a cable cord is known as a choke or ferrite core. It has magnetic iron oxide, which prevents high-frequency electromagnetic interference. Sometimes, weird noises interrupt the call if your phone gets a bit too close to a speaker. The cylinders on the cable cord prevent this kind of interruption.

Cable Cord Cylinders
Apple Power Cord Wings
If you are a MacBook owner, you might have noticed that the power cord has wings on it. However, you might not know what their purpose is, but so do a lot of other MacBook users. Apparently, when you flip wings up and wrap the cord around them, charging becomes easier as there will be nothing in the way. If you hate making a mess, this trick comes in pretty handy!

Apple Power Cord Wings
Blue Part On The Eraser
These erasers can remind many people of their childhood, but not many people know why there are two separate colors. Some say you could erase pen ink using a specific side of the eraser, but actually, this part is intended to be used on stronger and thicker paper. It was made for artists who use special kinds of paper rather than notebook or loose-leaf paper. Isn’t it cool to solve one of your childhood’s greatest mysteries?

Blue Part On The Eraser
Square Patches On Backpacks
Square patches on backpacks definitely make the bags look cooler, but these patches actually serve another purpose besides aesthetics. Called the lashing square or pig snout, the patches help people carry additional gear! Stuff that cannot fit in the bag can be hung using strings and cords strung through the lashing square. This is one pretty interesting tidbit and can be useful the next time you go camping.

Square Patches On Backpacks
Colorful Ice Cream Scoops
There is actually a reason why there are different ice cream scoop colors. Believe it or not, ice cream scoops come in more than a dozen colors, with every single color representing one specific scoop size. The sizes depend on how many scoops are intended to go in the cup. We bet you thought the bright colors were just for show.

Colorful Ice Cream Scoops
Brass Material For Door Knobs
Have you noticed that doorknobs are commonly made of brass? Actually, brass surfaces are resistant to bacteria buildup, which is important since so many people touch the doorknob! Just imagine if they used another material. We shudder at the thought.

Brass Material For Door Knobs
Bottle Cap Discs
The plastic disc under a soda bottle cap might seem unnecessary, but it actually helps in seeing through carbonation. While we do not actually know the exact science, the disc prevents soda from losing its fizz by trapping carbon dioxide. Who likes flat soda? No one.

Bottle Cap Discs
Rearview Mirror Tab
If you drive, you probably look in your rearview mirror regularly. In case you had not noticed, the mirror has a tab at the bottom. Apparently, the tab can be used to change the position of your mirror so that you do not get blinded by the headlights from behind. Although it deflects the light, you can still see what is happening behind your vehicle!

Rearview Mirror Tab
Coin Ridges
Did you noticed that quarters and dimes have rough edges not found in both pennies and nickels? Try checking the coins that you have. The design is a remnant of the period when coins got stamped in different weights reflecting their value. In order to stop the practice of shaving and melting coin edges to make new coins, they used precious metals to add the ridges.

Coin Ridges
Grocery Cart Loops
Not a lot of shoppers realize that the loops on the grocery cart can help frame the section that folds out to protect the items you place in the cart. To prevent vulnerable items from getting squished, you can hang them on the loop. We definitely think this is an excellent example of good design!

Grocery Cart Loops
Lined Paper Margins
Why does notebook paper have margins and why are they different depending on what grade the student is in? For the second part of the question, you should be aware that the older you get, the more difficult things become. As for the first part, rat infestations were pretty common and rats chewed on any paper that they found! The margins were added so that even if rodents ate the edges, the important bits could be saved.

Lined Paper Margins
Paper Condiment Bowls
Practically everybody loves dipping fries in ketchup, but nobody enjoys coming back to fill the small paper condiment cups. It is also pretty hard to dip into these cups because they are so tiny. Well, unfold the cup like this and you life will be so much easier!

Paper Condiment Bowls
Women’s Underwear Pocket
Have you ever noticed and gotten confused with women’s underwear having secret pockets? If you are wondering what the pockets are for, they are actually panty gussets – extra fabric that was sewn in but was not stitched closed. To be honest, underwear is much comfier when there are no additional seams. Aside from that, the pocket seems to be a good hiding place.

Women’s Underwear Pocket
Plastic Cup Lids
This will blow you away! The plastic lids which come with disposable cups are also meant to be used as a coaster. Of course, if you consume your drink in the car, this is not applicable. However, if you plan to sit down to enjoy your drink, the ridges in the lid make it a perfect coaster. Apparently, the lid does not only prevent spillage.

Plastic Cup Lids
Detachable Car Headrests
Perhaps you were seated in the backseat during family road trips. Out of boredom, you probably played with the headrest which was in front of you. However, you might not have known that you can take the headrest out of the seat. It was designed this way so that the metal bars can be used to crack the window if there is an emergency!

Detachable Car Headrests
Solo Cup Lines
Who does not know these Solo cups? Many people have some kind of memory with these cups, but perhaps only a few actually know what the horizontal lines on them are for. For those who have no idea what the ridges are for, they were designed to indicate how much alcohol or drink is in the cup! The first line tells you that there is one ounce of liquor or one shot. The second line tells you there are five ounces of wine. The topmost line tells you there are 12 ounces of beer.

Solo Cup Lines
Jerry Can Handles
For those who enjoy camping and traveling, a Jerry can is quite a common sight. Many people know that you can keep fuel (up to five gallons) in it, but only some know the purpose for the three top handles. As you carry the Jerry can, its design allows the fuel to be evenly distributed inside it. If two people are carrying it, both should hold the outside handles. You should hold the middle handle if you are carrying it on your own.

Jerry Can Handles
Coat Hangers Made With Wood
If you are thinking of spicing up your closet, you can use wooden coat hangers to do that, but did you know that they exist not just for aesthetic purposes? Heavy clothing, especially those made of wool, can attract insects. Wooden coat hangers repel creepy crawlies and moths. The cedar wood used to make them makes the hangers smell pleasant. This stops the moths and bugs from going near your clothes.

Coat Hangers Made With Wood
Juice Box Flaps
You only have to look at this picture to know why there are heavy top flaps on juice boxes. The little one here figured out what the flaps are for – so that you can hold your drink more easily. Remember that children ages 2 to 10 were considered when those juice boxes were made. If the flaps are folded this way, their tiny hands are able to better hold the juice box without it slipping. However, this trick is still handy no matter what age you are in now!

Juice Box Flaps
Holes In Your Converse
The holes found in the side of Converse sneakers actually have a few functions. Firstly, they allow the feet to breathe, since being in shoes all day is not exactly can make your feet hot! Another fun use for the holes is adding funky designs to how you tie your laces up.

Holes In Your Converse
Screwdrivers, But Also Wrenches
Slide the end of the wrench over the top of the screwdriver. That is the reason the screwdriver is shaped like it is! This is a handy trick when you are dealing with some difficult angles to grasp.

Screwdrivers, But Also Wrenches
Medicine Bottle For Adults
In case you did not know, you can de-childproof medicine bottles. Some of them actually come with a cap which you can use to do it. To make your life much easier, simply turn the bottle upside down! This hack is certainly great for adults, but make sure you do not show it to kiddos!

Medicine Bottle For Adults
TicTac Hack
If you are guilty of tossing some TicTacs into your hand and then placing them all back in the container except the one that you want, we have great news for you. The indent found at the top of a TicTac bottle’s cap is meant to catch just one TicTac when you tip over the opening. This saves you the time you use for cleaning up your spillage.

TicTac Hack
The Hole In Your Spaghetti Spoon
Yes, you can drain pasta using these spoons, but their holes can also be used for something else! They can be used to measure the amount of spaghetti. You just have to stick pieces of spaghetti through these holes and you will get a perfect measurement.

The Hole In Your Spaghetti Spoon
Grooves Between Tire Treads
The indents on your tires do more than just leave a cool mark if you drive over some patch of snow. The lowest point in the grooves indicate the lowest point the tire should ever get. If you see that the tires on your vehicle are smooth and have no grooves, then you should definitely get them replaced as soon as possible!

Grooves Between Tire Treads
Gas Pump Latch
If you ever wondered about the purpose of the weird latch on the gas pump and why you have to stand there and hold the pump in place while you are refueling your car, then this handy trick will definitely provide you with the answers. That latch can actually be locked between the gas pump handle’s grooves so that you can walk away but continue pumping gas into your car!

Gas Pump Latch
Toothpick Holder
We bet you did not know that some toothpicks come with built-in holders. Break off the ridged part of the toothpick and put it on the table. Then, place the toothpick inside one of the ridges. Doing this helps keep the toothpick sanitary before you put it back in your mouth. Plus it is really convenient (and fun).

Toothpick Holder
Aluminum Foil Packaging
Did you know that the tabs found on the packaging of aluminum foil are actually really useful? When you push the tabs in on both sides, the roll is locked into the box. This keeps the aluminum foil roll from popping out of the box when you are trying to get some foil. Useful!

Aluminum Foil Packaging
Half Belt On Jackets
Generally seen on pea and trench coats, this style was originally developed for military men who had oversized jackets which doubled as blankets. They added the half belt so that soldiers could gather and hold the extra material in place, and walk freely. These days, it is only a fashion trend, but it once had actual use!

Half Belt On Jackets
Utility Knife Cap
It may be hard to believe, but the plastic cap found at the end of a utility knife actually has a pretty important purpose. When you pull it out, you will find it is attached to something that is part of the brand new knife. You simply break off this plastic edge and you have a knife that is sharp!

Utility Knife Cap
Stapler Plates
Most people do not know that the metal plate on a stapler is called an anvil. They also do not know that if the stapler is turned upside down, it can be adjusted by spinning the wheel. When the wheel lines up with the square that it sits on, the stapler can be used for a “temporary staple.” This means the arms of the staple will be pushed outward instead of inwards, which makes it easier to pull the staple out later. Now you are no longer one of the many people who do not know about this.

Stapler Plates
The Hole In Your Lollipop Stick
We bet when you were a kid, you also loved using your lollipop stick as a whistle. Believe it or not, they did not add the hole just for your entertainment. When melted candy is poured into the molding, some seeps into the hole and when it hardens, the candy does not fall off of the stick. That is pretty interesting.

The Hole In Your Lollipop Stick
The Letter Arrangement On Your Keyboard
Many people do not really have any idea why the letters are not in alphabetical order on a computer keyboard. The first keyboard invented was part of a typewriter, which had metal arms. Actually, keys were originally in alphabetical order, but typists ended up typing too fast, which caused key arms to become stuck! Therefore, someone thought of rearranging the keys to help solve the issue. These days, even though we do not really use typewriters anymore, everyone is used to the non-alphabetized keyboards, so we continue using them.

The Letter Arrangement On Your Keyboard
Ridges In Audio Jack
We bet you never really knew why there are ridges in an audio jack. Their purpose is not to prevent the jack from falling out of the port. The material that makes up the ridges is actually used to protect the wires and keep them in place so that they do not break while you are listening to music. The ridges also dictate which headphone the music goes to! There is one band for the right headphone, one for the left, and one for both.

Ridges In Audio Jack
Silica Gel Packets
These packets are usually inside a brand new purse or a shoebox, and we know they are meant to keep things we have bought clean and fresh until the time we start using them. However, most people do not really know what is inside these packets. Actually, the stuff inside them is called a “desiccant” and it helps keep moisture out. These small packets can absorb humidity up to 50 percent! If you accidentally drop your phone in water, ditch the rice buckets. Use silica gel packets instead.

Silica Gel Packets
Colorful Toothpaste
Did you know that the red, blue, and white stripes in the Aquafresh toothpaste have a purpose and it is not to show patriotism? People realized that just cleaning their mouth was not enough to keep it healthy, so Aquafresh created their colorful toothpaste. The blue stripe shows that the toothpaste not only cleans your mouth but also freshens your breath, and the red stripe indicates that the toothpaste helps in plaque control as well. This product does it all to make sure your mouth is healthy and clean.

Colorful Toothpaste
The Mysterious Square In Your McFlurry Spoon
Have you ever wondered why the top of a McFlurry spoon has a square opening? Well, the square actually attaches onto the machine which blends the ice cream together with the topping of choice. The machine has a bar that slips into the spoon. Then, it stirs the spoon like a drill spinning a screw. When they hand you the McFlurry, they also give you the spoon.

The Mysterious Square In Your McFlurry Spoon
TV Cable Hack
For those who want high speed television but do not want to pay the outrages prices for it, this piece of information might just make you day. There are now new technology disruptors that can trick devices just by using an old-fashioned TV antenna and an electrical outlet. These “TV antennas” can stream high-definition signals from ABC, CBS, NBC, FX, PBS, Fox, and dozens of other stations.

TV Cable Hack
Make Threading Needles Easier
Who has not struggled with getting a piece of thread into a needle opening? We know we have which is why we think this hack is truly amazing. The next time to you want to sew something, try dipping a tiny part of the edge of the thread into some clear nail polish. Doing this will make the end hard and easier to get into the needle opening.

Make Threading Needles Easier
Olive Oil: Not Just For Italian Food
Are you experiencing dry skin? This hack may solve your problem. Try applying some olive oil to your body and face, and watch the dryness get replaced with moisture. Just make sure you only use a very small amount. Remember, you want to look dewy, not greasy.

Olive Oil: Not Just For Italian Food
Use A Tennis Ball For Parking Accuracy
Sometimes we accidentally go a bit too far when we park our car in the garage. However, a simple trick to know when to step on the brake is by hanging a tennis ball attached to a string from the roof of the garage. This can help you figure out where you have to brake and park. This way both your garage wall and your bumper remains safe.

Use A Tennis Ball For Parking Accuracy
Strain Your Food With Tights
If you have a pair of tights that you do not wear anymore or a pair that you do not need, they can be used to strain your food! The holes in tights are really small so food particles cannot escape out. This makes tights much better for food straining than the average strainer.

Strain Your Food With Tights
Groom Your Eyebrows With A Toothbrush
We know that we can use a toothbrush for other things aside from brushing our teeth, and this is one of them. Try using a spare toothbrush (not used, that is unsanitary) to groom your eyebrows! It is most likely cheaper than a real eyebrow brush, and you do not need to go to the drugstore to purchase one. To us, it is a win-win.

Groom Eyebrows With A Toothbrush
Loosen Doors With Petroleum Jelly
If you have been bothered by the sound coming from a squeaky door, but have not gone to a hardware store to find a solution, you can use use this hack to solve the problem! Just rub a tiny amount of petroleum jelly on the hinges of doors, drawer tracks, or anything squeaky and you will see the problem disappear.

Loosen Doors With Petroleum Jelly
Holes In Padlocks
We are sure that you have tried using a padlock before. However, we do not know whether you have noticed the holes at the bottom. If water gets in, it can come out through the holes. Since locks are often placed outside, they must be ready for various weather conditions. In case the lock becomes jammed, you can pour some WD-40 or oil in the holes!

Holes In Padlocks
Mason Jars For Utensils
Mason Jars are one of the best products to have around the house. They can be used for almost anything. Whether you want to store food, pens, and pencils, or utensils in the kitchen, the possibilities are endless. You can even bring your own style and personalize them how you want.

Mason Jars For Utensils
Color Code Your Keys
Almost everyone has more than one key, whether it is for the front door, mailbox, gym or anything else. Regardless, it is easy to mix them up. There’s nothing worse than standing outside your front door trying to find which key fits where. Here’s a simple method to avoid this entirely! Why not paint them with different colors to know which is which? It will make your life much easier!

Color Code Your Keys
Tennis Balls Can Protect Your Floors
That squeaky sound when your chair slides against the ground are dreadful, goosebumps all over your body. A simple solution that you may have heard of before is cutting a slit in your tennis balls and placing them on the feet of your chairs. This will help avoid any annoying sounds and also keep your floor scuff-free!

Tennis Balls Can Protect Your Floors
Shine Furniture With Olive Oil
Wood gets dirty so fast you don’t even notice. Sometimes it is hard to decide what the best products to use on furniture are. This is why we have a great and helpful trick for you, add a little but of olive oil on your wooden furniture and wipe it down using a microfiber towel. Your guaranteed the perfect amount of shine.

Shine Furniture With Olive Oil
Dust Your Home With Old Tights
Old tights have so many beneficial uses, like dusting items in your home. You can put them over a pair of tongs and dust both sides of your blinds at once. You can also attach them to a small object so you can reach the small crevices on a window sill or the far corners of the furniture.

Dust Your Home With Old Tights
DIY Baking Soda Air Freshener
Baking soda is commonly known for absorbing odors in certain places, but when mixed with essential oils, it can actually create a great DIY air freshener! All you have to do here is mix baking soda in a jar with whatever kind of essential oil you prefer and place a cloth over the top of it. Make sure the cloth is secured using a rubber band, and boom you’re set!

DIY Baking Soda Air Freshener
Use Tea Bags To Deodorize
Tea bags are not just useful in making a warm or cold drink. But they can be used in so many versatile ways. From depuffing your skin to cleansing your room, tea does it all! For this cool trick, take some used tea bags and place them in spots around your refrigerator. This will help absorb the lingering odors and make sure that your food doesn’t leave a bad scent every single time you open the refrigerator.

Use Tea Bags To Deodorize
Clean Your Dog’s Coat With Vinegar
The smell of vinegar can be absolutely revolting! I don’t think there is anyone would deny this. Regardless, vinegar is a versatile item that you may find in your room. If you’re looking to keep your little puppy clean by using vinegar then just mix one cup of vinegar with a quart of water, and rub it through your dog fur. In minutes you’ll have one clean furry friend!

Clean Your Dog’s Coat With Vinegar
Depuff Your Eyes With Metal Spoons
Waking up in the morning to see that your puffy under eyes just won’t budge, even after a full night’s sleep? A quick and easy fix to this would be using metal spoons that have spent the night in the fridge or freezer. In the morning place them over your eyes. This tightens your swollen skin and stimulates blood flow. Within minutes your puffy eyes will have gone down.

Depuff Your Eyes With Metal Spoons
New Uses For Baby Wipes
Baby wipes we all know for the obvious reasons. Like cleaning your infant. But were you aware that they can be used in several other ways as well? For starters, you can use them to clean a dirty computer screen or dusty keyboard. Grab a baby wipe and get rid of those filthy germs!

New Uses For Baby Wipes
Don’t Throw Out Old Butter Wrappers
Little did you know that this could be the money savor you have been waiting for! Next time you finish your stick of butter, don’t throw away the wrapper. Go ahead and stick it in the fridge or freezer and use it as a non-stick item in your cooking. Don’t waste money on expensive non-stick sprays and start saving your butter wrappers instead!

Don’t Throw Out Old Butter Wrappers
Deter Bugs With Cinnamon
Bug infestations are the absolute worst in our homes. But now we are about to offer you a better solution. Rather than wasting away your money on expensive pesticides that keep bugs out, you can actually just sprinkle some cinnamon wherever you have a bug problem. Ants and cockroaches will stay far away and your home will have the fresh smell of cinnamon.

Deter Bugs With Cinnamon
Kool-Aid Powder Can Substitute For Dishwasher Detergent
We know at first glance you may be skeptical. But surprisingly, if you mix washing soda, coarse salt, and four packets of lemonade with Kool-Aid you’ll have some DIY dishwasher detergent. However, one critical detail is that it must be lemonade flavor, due to the citric acid it contains. Try it out and see if your dishes come out fresh and lemon-scented.

Kool-Aid Powder Can Substitute For Dishwasher Detergent
Soften Your Cuticles With Shampoo
This idea may have never crossed your mind but once you see it, you’ll understand its obvious. To jet set a great manicure, jut sput some leftover shampoo from the bottom of your empty bottle into a bowl with warm water and leave your cuticles there to soak. Your nails and skin will get the moisture they need and you won’t waste your last bit of shampoo.

Soften Your Cuticles With Shampoo
Reuse Cereal Bags
Reducing the amount of plastic we use has become a very common and popular trend in our lives. That’s why this option can be a great start in the right direction. Rather than throwing away empty bags from cereal, you can reuse it for food storage. Place items inside and leave it in the freezer, or even use it as a lunch bag for work.

Reuse Cereal Bags
Chupa Chups
Chupa Chups is a well-known lollipop brand that features a specially shaped hole at the top of each stick. But have you ever wondered why that’s there? Well, we sure have. The square hole is there to help the lollipop stay firmly on the stick during the creation of the candy!

Chupa Chups
When Heinz was at their best selling moment, they had 57 different varieties of food. Today, the number 57 is placed on the bottle to indicate the best spot to the hit bottom and trigger the ketchup to pour out. So handy when you’re struggling to get that leftover ketchup out!

Staple Remover
Staple removers aren’t just great for removing staples but they have some other great uses. Like adding keys to your keyring using a staple remover! No longer do you need to break a nail or ruin your manicure because this is an easier way to add your keys.

Staple Remover
Clothing Hangers
Clothing hangers have their practical uses like hanging your clothing and organizing your closet. But they can also be your perfect way to put your jewelry in order without the clutter of a jewelry box. This way you can see all your necklaces hanging and choose the one that fits your outfit in seconds!

Clothing Hanger
Nobody wants to waste their money by hiring a professional painter when they can do the job themselves. But the problem comes when you get paint everywhere and your brush is soaked with paint. Heres a trick we have for you! Go ahead and wrap a rubber band around a paint can and remove the excess paint from your brush, and also keep the edges of the can clean.

Straws are the answer to every girl’s problem of tangled jewelry. Prevent tangled necklaces by looping them through a straw. Store them in your suitcase when you’re traveling and forget about having a complete mess because that is no longer a problem!

Safety Pins
Get rid of the static that sticks to your legs from your pants using the quick and easy remedy. All you need is a safety pin and your good to go. Take the pin and clip to the inner seam of your pant leg. Within seconds the annoying static cling is gone for good.

Safety Pin
Plastic Water Bottle
An easy way to transfer egg yolks between bowls is actually by using a water bottle! Take an empty water bottle and squeeze it and release pressure slowly over egg yolk. The suction that is created allows you to easily transfer yolk from one bowl to another.

Plastic Water Bottle
Tired of losing your earrings? Well, this will never happen to you again. Just grab a button and your favorite pair of earrings and store them together and you” never again have to worry about your earings getting lost!

Eyeglass Case
Use your eyeglass case to store all the little items that normally get lost otherwise. It’s a perfect way to keep track of your smaller items, and also make use of the case if you no longer need it to store your glasses themself.

Eyeglass Case