What are the characteristics of a truly fresh dude? Given that the number one guideline of being trendy is to never doubt your sense of style. Every swag lord is unique, but you’ve undoubtedly shared a few common experiences and habits with your fellow fly dudes since that fateful day you committed to a life of styling in a world full of lames. How do you know you’re really putting your best foot forward out here? These are a few signs that you know how to dress well.

Friends Shopping
People Come To You For Advice Before Buying Something
Everyone in your sphere of influence knows you’re a swag lord and a style guru for yourself and others. You’re the person they go to when they need to update their wardrobe or want to know about the latest fashion trend. And you’re the one they FaceTime to see if they should retain it or not when said lost-in-this-world person is trying stuff on in the changing room or fresh from the UPS delivery.
People Copy Your Style
You notice that your pals and acquaintances are mirroring your style. Everything from the brands you stand by to the shoes they pair their outfits with, seems to be a mirror image of yourself. Sometimes this may be by accident but sometimes by design. Your buddy has become an exact replica of you, to the point that you have to take him aside and tell him you’re flattered, but you need to cease the nonsense before people assume you contact each other every morning to coordinate outfits.
Friends And Family Don’t Buy You Clothing As A Gift
They simply don’t understand your preferences, do they? Maybe they tried to give you what they thought was a smart jacket or warm sweater for a number of years, only for you to return it for store credit. They have no idea where you shop now, owing to the fact that they haven’t heard of any stores that aren’t in a mall. Simply request the AMEX gift card and leave it at that.
You Have Different Sets Of Clothing At Different Locations
You’ve covered as many bases as possible for any possibility—we’re talking office drawers, car trunks, and everywhere else you spend a significant amount of time and may want a quick change of clothes. On a workday, did you work hard all night? You should have a couple of T-shirts at your desk so you can work without having the walk of shame tattooed on your forehead all day. Is it true that the weather forecast said there was just a 10% probability of rain? Your new kicks will live to see another day if you keep your beaters in the trunk. Because it’s always good to have options, you’ve got options for any situation.
You Receive More Compliments On Your Clothing Than Your Appearance
Even if you’re not the most attractive person in the world, if your outfit has girls breaking their necks for a second look, then congratulations, you’ve conquered the universe and seized control of your destiny. It’s been done before—guys like Serge Gainsbourg and Keith Richards had terrific style without the high cheekbones and doe eyes of Ryan Gosling or Paul Newman, for example. If they can profit from outstanding style, you can as well.
Guys You Don’t Know Compliment You
You may be arranging your style for yourself, but the attention from both sexes is a byproduct you’re surely well aware of. In fact, odds are that dudes will be paying the most attention to you, while ladies will only give you a passing glance. When men passers-by give you that grudging head-to-toe body survey, the flourish is unmistakable. And if you’re killing it so well that the person has to toss his dignity to the wind and ask you where you got it, it’s game over.
You Have An Exemplary Knowledge For History And Context Of Fashion
There are no posers here; you’ve done your homework. To you, style is more than just looking at the same three streetwear blogs and seeing what rappers are wearing. You, on the other hand, don’t take yourself too seriously and simply adore clothes. (Kan)Ye said it’s hot, so you can justify what you’re into and why it’s fly beyond.