Head on the tray table, head off the tray table. Legs crossed, legs uncrossed. Lying against the window, lying against the random stranger sitting to your right – we’ve all experienced the “why can’t I get comfortable” cramped feeling. No matter how long your flight is, finding that perfect position can be super frustrating! People who travel from Thailand to Spain are spending around 22 hours on a plane, that’s A LOT time spent in the air. But forget about getting comfortable, the screaming kids two rows down from you has now become your new headache. Unless you got your PhD degree in Aviation or took online college classes on “flight preparation,” then it’s every man for himself. However, luckily there are a couple easy ways to help make a long flight infinitely more bearable. “Ladies and gentleman, the captain has now turned on the fasten seat belt sign and is ready for take off.”
1. Bring An Eye Mask
The eye mask is an underrated but super essential item to pack in your carry-on bag, especially if you have a day flight. Another benefit of the eye mask, hides your eyes from the not-so-attractive airplane food.

Bring An Eye Mask
2.Pack Healthy Snacks & Drink H2O
Airplane food can not only be minimal, but it also can lack nutritional value. So it’s important to stay well-nourished and well-hydrated during a flight. Packing your own fruits, granola bars, veggies, nuts, and a bottle of water is the perfect solution!

Bring Your Own Snacks
3. Load Up Your Entertainment System
The plane is about take-off and you look down to see that your iPod is at 2% battery. It’s okay cry, we understand. Because the in-flight entertainment can be unreliable, featuring dated not funny movies, fully charging your iPod prior to stepping on the plane is a must! Oh and make sure to load it up with songs, videos, movies, podcasts, or whatever type of entertainment will get you through your flight.

Itunes Music Charts On Apple Iphone 5S
4. Wear The Right Clothes
When it doubt keep it loose, comfortable, and casual – your clothes of course. Remember, all you’re doing is sitting for a REALLY long time, not the time or place to “dress to impress.” To help cope with those inconsistent temperatures it’s smart to bring layers.

Bring Some Multipurpose Accessories
5. Don’t Forget To Stretch
Sitting in a cramped plane for long (exhausting) hours is not very good for your health or body. Every now and then, especially on flights over 5 hours, wiggle your fingers and toes – gotta keep that blood flowing. And if the captain has taken off the seat-belt sign do what the flight attendant said on the PA, “ladies and gentleman you’re now free to move about the cabin.”

Stretch Before And During Flight