First Choice
The pizza restaurant chain we are talking about here is the famous Domino’s Pizza. Their most loyal customer lives by the name of Kirk Alexander. He ordered everything online. It is evident that pizza is his favorite and go-to food for he was able to eat it every single day that eventually turned into 10 years. The 48-year old’s name had been very familiar with each and every employee who worked for Domino. To be honest, serving Kirk’s order had already been an everyday routine for them. Well, that routine was ruined when they suddenly had not received an order from Kirk. They were bothered and curious – what happened to him? As they learned the reason behind the sudden happening, they were all put at the shock.

For 10 Years This Man Ordered Pizza Every Day When Employees Suddenly Realize Something Is Not Right
A Regular
Sarah Fuller is the general manager who controls and monitors everything that happens in this Domino’s Pizza branch where Kirk used to order his food. She said that it was very unusual when they did not receive any orders from Kirk because he had been one of the most consistent customers they had. They were used to receiving Kirk’s specific order for 10 years to the point that whenever they saw such an order from online customers, they were a hundred percent sure it was for Kirk.

A Regular
Some of Kirk’s neighbors had been interviewed about his personality as a neighbor. Most of them came with answers that had the same context. They said that they tried to knock at his door multiple times and sometimes got a response. They also said that seeing Kirk answering and opening the door was a sight they did not frequently see.

Good Guy
Meanwhile, another neighbor said a different description of Kirk Alexander’s behavior as a close neighbor. This neighbor lives by the name of Ben Theodoriches. He stated that Kirk was good at computers and other gadgets. Ben claimed that Kirk came by their house a few times and helped him with the problems their family had with computers. He added that Kirk was just fond of isolating himself from the crowd, but he was a very nice person.

Good Guy
Very Familiar
But there were a few people whom Kirk had lots of interactions with – the delivery men of Domino’s Pizza. He ordered every single day for the past 10 years – for sure, he was able to have small talks with the delivery men as he received every order. Sarah Fuller, the branch’s manager, was confident that even for a small amount, their delivery men had built sort of a connection with Kirk.

Very Familiar
11 Days With No Order
One day came and they did not receive an order from Kirk. At that time, all of the employees felt confused – they were bothered. They were intrigued by the reason why Kirk did not order a pizza after his streak of ordering for 10 years. They tried their best not to be curious, but multiple possible reasons came into their minds. Maybe, he went away for vacation to visit his family or friends. Maybe, it was a business-inclined trip. Maybe, he just went on vacation because he wanted to relax and spend quality time with himself.

11 Days With No Order
A Friend To The Employees
Days had passed and none of their questions were answered. Each and every single day after that incident, they patiently waited for Kirk’s order, but they got nothing. All of the employees, especially the manager, Sarah Fuller, began to worry because 11 days already passed and they still got nothing from their loyal customer, Kirk Alexander.

A Friend To The Employees
Enjoyed Each Item
Fuller admitted that Kirk Alexander was different from other customers. It seemed like all of the employees managed to build a close and special relationship with Kirk. He had been their loyal customer for 10 years – not receiving any order from him for days felt very weird. This explained why they began to worry about him as each day passed by.

Enjoyed Each Item
A Drive-By
They made it clear that Kirk was more than a friend to each and every one of them – he was a family. It was normal for them to be worried about him after not hearing from him for weeks. A hurtful reason came into their minds – may be, Kirk had found his new favorite restaurant chain. Well, it kind of hurts for the employees’ side but that reason is way better than those more serious ones that could even involve his life.

A Drive-By
Sarah Fuller, the branch’s general manager, said that Kirk Alexander was the customer all of the employees knew and were very familiar with. Even though Kirk had different orders each day, they managed to recognize it every single time. He was a person who liked his food to come in varieties – from pizza to any kind of pasta to chicken wings to different styles of sandwiches.

Reaching Out To 911
Whatever the reason was, the employees were all bothered and worried about their loyal customer. They reached the point where they could not take their curiosity and anxiousness anymore, they decided to send one of their delivery men to visit Kirk in his house. This was the only way they could put all of their minds at peace.

Reaching Out To 911
Calling For Help
The delivery man was Tracey Hamblen. As he arrived at Kirk’s home address, he saw that the lights were on which led him into the conclusion that someone was home. Another sign that Kirk was home was when he heard the sound of a functioning television. He confidently knocked on the door, with all of his hopes up that Kirk would respond and open the door.

Calling For Help
No Answer
Unfortunately, Tracey was answered by no one. He did not give up as he continued to knock more aggressively and even called Kirk’s name with every knock. At the restaurant, they were informed that Kirk was not still answering; that was why they tried to call him but he was not picking up, either. They still continued on trying but they received nothing from Kirk. This led them to their decision of calling 911.

No Answer
Making The Decision
Instead of getting a clear explanation as to why their loyal customer suddenly stopped ordering for weeks already, all they got was anxiousness. During that night, all of the employees were worried and scared as they reached for help and decided to call 911. None of their minds was at peace. Come on, Kirk, what happened to you?

Making The Decision
Lucky Charm
Tracey Hamblen continued knocking at Kirk’s door. He even started to call for his name in a loud manner already. Numerous minutes had passed and he got no response. He decided to go back to the restaurant. He informed Sarah Fuller, the manager and other employees that Kirk was not answering. The employees made an attempt to call Kirk, hoping that they would get a response but they were always left on voicemail. All of the happenings made them worry more about their loyal customer.

Lucky Charm
Sigh Of Relief
After getting no signs from Kirk Alexander, they could not take it anymore. They decided to get help from the authorities. The delivery guy, Tracey Hamblen grabbed his phone and quickly called 911. All of the people in that restaurant were nervous and worried. They gasped as they heard that 911 picked up.

Sigh Of Relief
A Humbling Experience
Tracey Hamblen said that the report came from a certain branch of Domino’s Pizza. He was reporting about their customer who suddenly stopped ordering and since then, they received no signs from him at all. The delivery guy answered every question that would be given by 911 and told all the necessary details about the situation. After the call with 911, Hamblen was immediately forwarded to the line of the nearest authorized department, Marion County Sheriff’s Office.

A Humbling Experience
Explaining The Situation
The delivery guy explained the situation again. He made sure not to miss any detail – starting from Kirk Alexander being their customer for 10 years up to the day he suddenly stopped ordering which was very unusual for them. Just like with 911’s call, Tracey Hamblen quickly responded to every question the department asked. As the call ended, everyone in the restaurant let out a sigh of relief. They felt quite at ease knowing that the authorities got the situation under control.

Explaining The Situation
Legendary Story
The Marion County’s sheriff decided to send some of his staff to check up on Kirk Alexander. They quickly got in their car and immediately went to Kirk’s home address. They distributed their tasks before coming to Kirk’s door front. They began knocking at his door and calling his name. Despite receiving no response at all, they kept on knocking.

Legendary Story
During the interview, Sarah Fuller, the general manager of the branch, came to an assumption that the staff eventually broke in after receiving no response from Kirk Alexander because they heard him begging from help. They took the door down and immediately called the nearest hospital after seeing Kirk’s situation. His doctors revealed that the patient suffered from minor strokes before.

Super Supportive
The sheriff’s deputies heard a sound coming from the inside as a sign for help. With no second thoughts, they broke the front door and immediately went inside to look for the person. They were faced by a sight of Kirk Alexander lying down on the floor of his house – looking very weak. They waited for paramedics and helped him reach the nearest hospital he could go to.

Super Supportive
Found At Last
Their choice of calling 911 that specific day was a blessing because if Kirk Alexander was found at a later time, he would have not made it. All thanks to the employees of Domino’s Pizza, especially the delivery guy, Tracey Hamblen, for calling 911. Regards to 911 for picking up and responding immediately. Also, thanks to the Marion County Sheriff’s department for the quick action they had done.

Found At Last
Astounding Reward
The reason why he was lying on the floor looking all weak was not confirmed, but the closest reason could be a stroke. The ambulance arrived on time and was able to make his condition stable. But there was still unconfirmed information about his situation such as how long was he already knocked down inside his house.

Astounding Reward
Kirk Alexander’s condition was already stable – thanks to all the people who helped him get to the hospital. The good news already reached the pizza chain restaurant and all of them were in joy. Sarah Fuller, the manager of the branch, expressed how much they were happy to hear that Kirk was already recovering.

Help Recover
The assistant manager of the branch goes by the name of Jenny Seiber. She said that they would definitely send Kirk Alexander a bunch of flowers and other gifts to let him know how happy they were about his recovery. They also wish that these gifts would help him recover at a much faster pace.

Help Recover
First Day
Jenny Seiber said that they immediately visited their loyal customer and brought some gifts for him. During the first visit, all they got from him were answers in the form of yes or no – he was still recovering. They came back the next week and noticed a great improvement in his condition. The latest activity done with Kirk was that he was transferred to the rehabilitation facility of the hospital. He was doing very well. He was recovering very fast.

First Day
Very Tired
There was another Jenny involved in this story aside from Seiber – she is Jenny Fouracre. She is the director of public relations of the branch of Domino’s Pizza located in Ann, Arbor, Michigan. She shared that she was very happy to hear about Kirk Alexander’s recovery. She also said that all of the employees’ attitude toward Kirk really showed how much compassion they had for their customers, reflecting their great customer service.

Very Tired
Proud Of The Team
The director of public relations added that the whole department was very glad and proud of every action their employees had made. This proved that each and every branch of Domino’s Pizza really cared about their customers – they made sure to connect and build relationships with the neighborhood.

Proud Of The Team
Many Stories
She also said that there are other stories involving their employees’ kindness which reflects the good standard of customer service Domino’s Pizza has all over the world. They make sure to hire employees with high levels of compassion and respect towards customers. These characteristics and principles are the ones they hope all people in this world would have.

Many Stories
Doing Their Job
Despite all of the stories, where they were featured doing good deeds, which reached tons of attention from the crowd, the employees of Domino’s Pizza simply looked at it as part of their jobs. They did not boost themselves with all of those heroic moments because for them, to help customers every time they would be in need was a part of all of their jobs. Respect.

Doing Their Job
The solicitude and humility shown by these employees were truly one of a kind. Well, Kirk Alexander’s story was exposed to different social media sites which led it to be known in different parts of the world. As usual, people had various comments and reactions to the story.

The story reached the press and was able to be shared in American television. Sarah Fuller and Jenny Seiber, the branch’s general manager and assistant manager, were both invited to come to the sensational chat show, Good Morning America. They shared all of the true details that happened to start from Kirk Alexander being their loyal customer for 10 years up to the moment he had been sent to the hospital. Both were praised, on behalf of the employees, for the compassion they demonstrated, quick actions and decisions, and the concern they had shown for Kirk.

Both of the branch’s representatives were allowed to share Kirk’s current medical condition. They said that he was recovering very well. They also shared that they made sure to check up on Kirk from time to time ever since he was admitted to the hospital. Despite the fact that they were not even blood-related to Kirk, they were still very hands-on and people commended them for that.

Out Of It
Jenny Seiber was the one who visited Kirk Alexander more often. She shared her first encounter with Kirk in the hospital and said that he was still fresh from the operation – she only got answers from the patient in the form of yes or no. She added that great improvements were seen with Kirk’s abilities, while he was in recovery, as each day passed in the hospital.

Out Of It
Big Surprise
Of course, they were invited to the show not only to be interrogated by hundreds of questions, but they were also given a huge surprise. A gift was prepared by the show to commend the compassion and humility of all the employees’ involvement in the story. All of them were given free tickets to see the premiere of the movie “Captain America: Civil War”. What a nice gift, right?
ts but this was not it.

Big Surprise
Las Vegas
The main office and administration of Domino’s Pizza decided to give more surprises to the two managers and the tough delivery man, Tracey Hamblen. The three were given a ticket to go to the big event that happens annually dedicated to well-performing members of the company – Domino’s 전세계 Rally in Las Vegas! For sure, the three employees were excited as they heard this news.

Las Vegas
The Marion County Sheriff commended the great work of the delivery man, Tracey Hamblen. They thanked his bravery and immediate decisions. Because of these, Kirk Alexander arrived at the hospital just in time – if he arrived at a later time, he could have been dead by now.

Personal Thanks
Tracey Hamblen was recognized by the Marion County Sheriff’s Office. They recognized him not just as a delivery man, but a hero. Every single action that he did was very heroic. He made a bunch of quick and tough decisions which helped in saving Kirk Alexander’s life.

Personal Thanks
Visiting Often
After all the interviews and other forms of exposure to the media, the employees still kept on visiting Kirk at the hospital from time to time. All of them were very happy to see how much he improved ever since his arrival. Kirk was on the way to his full recovery.

Visiting Often
On The Mend
Of course, Kirk was still not done with his recovery – healing from a stroke would really take time, but all hopes were up that he would be able to get back on the old and healthy Kirk Alexander that he used to be. Employees of Domino’s Pizza seeing his order again on their screens would be very delightful to them. Seeing him munching on his most beloved food once again would be a pleasant sight to all.

On The Mend